Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Seven Deadly Sins[]

Introduction arc[]

Ban's wanted poster is displayed on a board inside the Boar Hat.[1]

Forest of White Dreams arc[]

Ban is first mentioned by Gilthunder to have been imprisoned in the Baste Dungeon.[2] After Meliodas and Gilthunder's fight, Ban is shown to be chained to a prison with guards that are guarding him stating that he has not moved or eaten any anything since his imprisonment, which was five years ago.[3]

Baste Dungeon arc[]

Ban stabbing Jude2

Ban stabbing Jude

When he hears that Meliodas was alive, Ban, wanting to meet his captain, easily escaped from his prison cell, and was immediately confronted by Jericho, who tried to kill him. Ban easily dodged all of Jericho's slashes and even purposely let her cut his hair. When Jericho is shocked that he dodged her attacks despite his severe wounds, Ban shows her that they have already healed, and points to his scar as the only scar he ever received.[4]

Ban then took Jericho's armor and clothes in an attempt to find decent armor before leaving.[5] Disappointingly, he discovered the armor to be too small, after which Ban came across a guard looking lustfully at a captive woman. He glanced at her, showing some interest, and proceeded to smash the guard's head into the bars. He then entered the cell by bending the bars, and told the woman that she "[was] his",[6] before stealing the dagger that she had hidden in her clothes. He commented on its good quality and tested it out by cutting her chains. She thanked him for releasing her, and requested the dagger back; however, he refused and declared that it belonged to him, which greatly frightened her.[7]

Jude arrived, intending to kill him, though Ban merely greeted the Holy Knight in return and asked for the reason he wished to kill him, with Jude answering that he had no more use for him since he had already fulfilled his role as a bait for Meliodas.[8] Engaging Jude in combat, Ban was quickly stabbed in the chest by one of the Holy Knight's thorn-like weapons. He, however, explained that he had actually let himself be captured five years earlier, and the reason for it. After removing the weapon from his chest, he easily stabbed Jude in the chest, expressing his excitement about the Holy Knights declaring war on the Seven Deadly Sins.[9]

Meliodas and Ban playing arm wrestling

Ban and Meliodas arm wrestle and destroy the Baste Dungeon

Together with the frightened Sennett, Ban left the Baste Dungeon and encountered Meliodas, Diane, Hawk, and Elizabeth. He and Meliodas then greeted, high-fived each other, and then started arm wrestling, which resulted in the entire dungeon being destroyed. Afterwards, he told Meliodas that he was glad to see him again.[10] With the dungeon destroyed, he, along with the others and the imprisoned villagers, headed to Dalmary Town, where he went off on his own, stealing a set of red, studded clothes from a random villager.[11] Later that night, Ban was introduced to Elizabeth and noticed that Hawk is a talking pig, which greatly shocked him.[12] During the party, he started drinking and even rode on top of Hawk. Together with the rest of the group, he looked up at the sky to see it filled with crossing shooting stars, falling asleep on Hawk soon after.[13]

Capital of the Dead arc[]

Ban scaring black hound

Ban threatening Oslo with his killing intent.

Three days later, Ban, along with the rest of the party, left Dalmary Town, Elizabeth's recovery having caused their delay. As he and Meliodas decided upon their next destination,[14] they are abruptly stopped by two Holy Knight apprentices. Ban offered to quickly kill them, only for Meliodas to stop him, and trick the apprentices instead.[15] However, the two soon realized the Sins' identity due to Diane. Before they can take action, they were suddenly attacked by a black hound, who quickly killed the two apprentices. Though Ban tried to frighten it, it instead grew bigger, since black hounds are able to change their size depending on how frightened they feel. However, before he could proceed to kill the creature, Meliodas used his broken blade to scare it away, and then declares their next destination to be the Capital of the Dead, in order to search for King, whom Ban expressed disdain for.[16]

In the town nearest to the Necropolis, Ban was assigned to cook in the Boar Hat, though he expressed several complaints .[17] After he escaped from work, Ban headed into town and discovered a little girl, Ellen, whom he mistook for his dead lover "Elaine".[18] She suddenly collapsed, leading him to rush by her side. Ellen's brother, Luigi believed that Ban was going to take her away, and attacked him. When he learned of the truth, he apologetically questioned Ban as to how he can "erase his sin". Ban responded that a real sin can never be erased. As soon he finished his statement, Ban was then suddenly stabbed in the chest with a spear by King.[19]

Ban questioned his assailant's identity, to which King replied, calling him, "Ban, The Undead", and revealed that Ban had killed the Saint of the Fountain of Youth to gain immortality. The two then engaged in battle, and after it continued tensely for a while, Ban prepared to utilize a special ability, which Meliodas quickly stops. The Sin of Wrath and Diane recognized King immediately, despite his changed appearance, with Ban being completely shocked and unable comprehend how the boy he fought was actually King.[20] Later, after King escaped, Ban cooked a meal for the children inside the Boar Hat, and children informed them that King had tried many times to enter the Capital of the Dead.[21] In regard to entering it, Ellen then recited a riddle, stating that a priceless memory shared with the deceased will open the path to the capital. Possibly understanding it, Ban thanked them, and the group headed to the entrance to the Capital.[22]

King using Fossilization on Ban

Ban being turned into stone (petrified) by King's spear.

At the location of the entrance, the group notices flowers to have suddenly and mysteriously bloomed; the petals of the flowers then swirl around them in a circular fashion, transporting them to the Capital of the Dead. Ban immediately notices a girl and chases her, with King, in turn, following Ban.[23] As he is chasing the girl, King provokes Ban, leading the latter to attack the former. However, King easily dodges Ban's attacks, convincing Ban of him being King.[24] King narrates how he came to discover his hometown to have been burned to the ground, then trapping Ban by transforming his pillow into a giant stuffed bear, and angrily reveals that the Guardian Saint whom Ban killed was his sister. When Ban, in response, declares that he is immortal, King uses a form of his Sacred Treasure that petrifies all whom it impales. Ban's skin around the impaled area is shown to have petrified.[25]

Ban returns to normal from Elaine's kiss

Elaine breaks the curse

Soon, Ban turns completely into a statue.[26] As King begins to leave, he notices spheres of light approaching Ban, and as he recognizes the spheres to be Elaine, his sister and the Guardian Saint of the Fountain, she kisses Ban in order to break King's curse. They exchange their greetings, when King confusingly yells at them, questioning whether Elaine was still angry at him. The three are distracted by a huge explosion some distance away. Noticing that a Holy Knight has arrived, Ban proceeds to head there, but only before telling Elaine that he will definitely make her his someday.[27] Ban then enters the battle and assists Meliodas and Diane by appearing to immobilize the Holy Knight who follows them to the Capital of Dead, Guila, by using his ability, Snatch, on her rapier.[28]

Guila fighting the Sins

King attacking Guila by stabbing Ban.

Guila's retaliation heavily wounds him, but he regenerates within a few moments, leading her to comment upon his immortality.[29] As the battle continues, Guila stabs him in the neck while commenting on how weak the three Seven Deadly Sins were. However, King then arrives and attacks Guila by stabbing Ban through his back with his spear.[30] King explains that he has arrived to help the Sins, to which Ban sarcastically thanks him, and adds that this is for Meliodas and Diane, and also due to Elaine's feelings for Ban. Though Ban initially seems to be angered by King wanting to fight Guila alone, he quickly complies.[31]Ban and the two watch as King defeats Guila with ease, and as, when she uses the element of surprise to attack King from behind, Meliodas stops her repels her attack. As soon as she is defeated, everyone's bodies start disintegrating, the Capital of the Dead having begun to reject them due to them being alive and not belonging there. Ban says his final goodbyes to Elaine, before returning to the living world along with the rest.[32]

Diane, Meliodas and Ban saying their lost their sacred weapons

Everyone confesses they do not have their Sacred Treasures

After returning to the living world, they find Guila's real body, with Ban suggesting killing her right then. Later, Ban and King find Ellen and her brother, who reveal themselves as ghosts that guide people who shared priceless memories with the dead, such as them, to the Capital. The both then disappear, but only after telling Ban that his cooking was delicious and thanking them, to which Ban, smiling, also thanks them in return. When King is told that Elizabeth is a princess, and he transforms himself into his older and fatter form, Ban is shown to be extremely surprised.[33] Later, Ban is shown to be drunk when King asks him, Diane and Meliodas as to what happened to their sacred treasures, with which, the three would have been easily able to defeat Guila. Ban drunkenly responds that his was stolen during his imprisonment,[34] much to King's irritation.[35] He then looks on as King explains to Hawk the significant increments in the Seven Deadly Sins' power, wielding a Sacred Treasure can create.[36]

Vaizel Fight Festival arc[]

Meliodas and Ban wants to enter the fight festival

Ban eager to enter the tournament.

The next day, Ban is shown to still be drunk at the Boar Hat.[37] He is later left behind along with Diane while Meliodas, Elizabeth, King and Hawk go to Byron because of his wanted poster's image's accuracy and her size as a giant.[38] Later, Ban accompanies Meliodas, Hawk, and King into Vaizel, while wearing an apron due to his shirt having been destroyed in the Capital of the Dead, since Meliodas speculates a sacred treasure of the three Sins to be among the objects sold in the annual flea market of the town. There, a drunk elderly man directs them to the annual fighting tournament, whose reward is the weapon "that no one can use", which is revealed to be Diane's Sacred Treasure, Gideon. Ban and Meliodas eagerly join the tournament; Ban enters the names of the three, including King, under false names, and against King's will.[39]

During the preliminaries, Ban, while commenting the battles to be boring, easily defeats many other fighters and stole a new shirt similar to his previous one from an unfortunate man he just met.[40] After preliminary ends, he is shown to be among the eight fighters who have advanced to the main tournament, along with Meliodas and King. As their advancing is announced, he mocks King for winning in a cheap fashion by using his flight abilities.[41] During the determination of the match-ups, he is revealed to have entered King, himself, and Meliodas under the names of "Old Fart", much to King's annoyance, "Baan", and "Meliodafu". Howzer, a Holy Knight almost discovers the identities of the latter two from their physical traits, but in his naivety and stupidity, does not see through the obvious aliases.[42]

Meliodas and Ban continue to fight

Meliodas and Ban's battle continues.

Ban, standing among the audience, watches the battle between Griamore and Matrona. After the latter defeats the former, causing her hat to fall off and reveals her face, which is identical to Diane, Ban looks on bewilderingly.[43] Ban similarly looks on while Howzer and Taizoo fight, and also explains to Meliodas and King about Taizoo losing against the Holy Knight.[44] After the third battle of the main tournament, between Cain, the elderly man who directed the four to the tournament, and King ends with the latter losing, Ban finally readies himself for his battle against Meliodas.[45]

As their battle begins, Meliodas compares the ring, and the tournament's rules of a fighter being disqualified if he is pushed out of the ring, to "something" long ago. Telling Ban that he will remember soon, Meliodas punches him with great strength in his face. This reminds him of the mentioned episode: Meliodas and Ban's first meeting when the latter was still imprisoned, for supposedly burning the Fairy King's Forest and killing its guardian, that led to him joining Meliodas. Ban seems to have been pushed out of the ring, but regains his balance, and proceeds to exchange a series of attacks with Meliodas. One of Meliodas' retaliations sends Ban crashing into the ring, and even breaks the Great Vaizel Rock, on which the ring is located. Ban heals himself instantly, much to the audience's surprise, and continues to fight. As their battle continues, Meliodas punches Ban again; however, he then falls down to his knees, due to Ban having used his ability, Snatch.[46]

Ban using Physical Hunt

Ban in a state of ecstasy at having a great amount of strength in him.

Ban immediately heals himself, and attacks Meliodas again. When the latter tries to retaliate, he appears to have weakened. As Ban displays his increased speed, Meliodas attacks him again, but as before, is easily defeated, and seems to be continuously losing his stamina and the battle as the fight continues. This leads King to explain that Ban's ability, Snatch, enabled him to "rob" not only physical objects, but also physical abilities such as speed and stamina; the reason why Meliodas was on his knees without receiving any damage was that Ban had "robbed" him of his physical abilities.[47] As the battle continues in Ban's favor, Meliodas, lifting Ban with one hand, smashes him repeatedly on the ground. Ban, however, is then revealed to have stolen Meliodas' physical strength during the attack. Ban, wanting to test his strength now, punches Meliodas, but is stopped by a single punch. Ban stops himself from being pushed out of the ring, and wonders how bottomless his captain's powers are.[48]

He, again, instantly heals his wounds, Ban states that since the battle would not end by stealing of speed and strength in small doses, he will now rob all of Meliodas' abilities. Meliodas attacks Ban with a barrage of punches, and the latter continues stealing the former's abilities. In the end, all of Meliodas' abilities are shown to have been stolen before he is able to defeat Ban, as the Sin of Greed smirks while standing over his collapsed and weakened captain.[49] Ban tests the strength he has stolen by swinging his hand, the mere resulting air pressure creating a crater on the ground.[50]

Ban defeated by Meliodas

Ban defeated.

Ban questions Meliodas if he will give up, or be utterly defeated; Diane yells at him that if he further harms Meliodas, she will not forgive him and will cut off their ties. The Sin of Wrath refuses to give up, and states that he will win. Diane then states her hypothesis that Meliodas is baiting Ban to delivering his most powerful blow, and will then reflect the blow with Full Counter back at Ban. King, however, explains that doing so would be impossible - Full Counter can only reflect "power" attacks, and is useless against indirect attacks such as Ban's Physical Hunt, or an ordinary punch.[51] Despite Elizabeth's pleading, Ban punches Meliodas. In the midst of the resulting dust and debris, Meliodas, who now mysteriously has a strange black colored mark on his forehead, and his eyes colored black, crushes Ban's hand, then proceeding to send him flying out of the ring with a single punch, thus defeating him.[52]

Ban laments his defeat, and his having forgotten about what, he calls, his captain's "trump card". Hawk then unwittingly carries Ban to the ring due to him feeling his body to be very heavy after using "Physical Hunt"[53] Ban, still laying on Hawk, watches Diane and Howzer's battle.[54] During Meliodas and Cain's battle, when King and Diane wonder as to Meliodas and Cain's relationship, Ban instructs them to stop, citing the third law of the Seven Deadly Sins, which states that a Sin shall not question of the sin of an another member.[55] Sometime afterwards, during the beginning of the final battle of the tournament between Meliodas and Diane, Ban is shown to have paid some women to cheer for Meliodas flirtatiously and erotically, which would enrage Diane into fighting him seriously. This was since the two fighters were intending to end their fight quickly by Diane letting herself be defeated.[56]

Ban threatening Veronica

Ban holding Veronica hostage.

Ban enthusiastically watches Meliodas and the enraged Diane fight. Some time afterward, Meliodas, stopping the fight, declares his identity, and that he will now be taking over Vaizel. Ban and King enter the stage and are immediately recognized due to their appearances. Meliodas continues, ordering everyone to leave Vaizel in one minute, lest they be massacred.[57] A few brief moments later, several gigantic, and explosive flares rain down on the town.[58] The attackers are shown to be Guila, Jericho, and another Holy Knight, Marmas. Elizabeth then understands the Sins' actions: the four had threatened the civilians to leave to have then evacuate. Meliodas notes that the attackers are now much stronger than before, instructs the other three to separate. While the attacks continue, Ban, is sent crashing onto a building by a surprise attack from Jericho. He expresses his enthusiasm to fight, but questions Jericho whether they have met before, and she declares that she will carve her name into his heart.[59]

Meliodas cut Ban in half

Ban being cut in half

Jericho's subsequent introduction reminds Ban of her. He, believing that she is male from their previous encounter, questions whether she cross dresses, and kicks her away. Much to his surprise, his wound does not heal despite his regeneration abilities. Jericho, stating that the Deadly Sins are no match for the "reactors", attacks Ban as he dodges. Walking towards Ban, she states that she no longer has to pretend to be a man, since she was now powerful. She kicks him on his chest, and spreads a drop of his blood, which spurted on near her lips, as a substitute for lipstick, she states that Ban has made her into a woman.[60] Sometime later, after Veronica, Elizabeth's older sister seals Meliodas with Goddess Amber, and tries to forcibly bring Elizabeth back to the capital, Ban wakes, and quickly takes Veronica hostage.[61] Griamore demands for him to let her go, in return to which Ban asks for the spell on Meliodas to be undone, and for Elizabeth to be released. However, he is abruptly slashed from behind by Jericho, which allows Veronica to escape.[62]

Ban then overhears Guila informing Griamore about Hendrickson's goal, resurrection of the Demon Clan. Enraged due to his experiences with a demon, Ban attacks Jericho, but is defeated quickly again.[63] As Elizabeth then pleads for Meliodas to rescue her from Guila, the Goddess Amber shatters, releasing a black substance, whose aura recognizes as similar to the demon he killed in the Fairy King's Forest.[64] Meliodas proceeds to cut off Guila's hand to regain his broken sword, leading Jericho to utilize an Incantation Orb to heal Guila, with Ban recovering along with them and then stealing the rest of the Incantation Orbs they possess. Angered, Jericho prepares to attack Ban, when he yells out to them to prepare for Meliodas' attack which knocks them both away. The rampaging Meliodas slices Ban in half and completely destroys the nearby terrain.

Ban taking Elizabeth and King away from the fight

Ban taking Elizabeth and King away from the fight

As Elizabeth and Hawk watch in horror as Meliodas is defeated by Helbram, Ban grabs King and tells Elizabeth that they have to retreat. Elizabeth refuses to leave Meliodas behind, but Ban grabs her and tells her it is too dangerous to be around, proceeding to run away from the fight. Soon after, Diane finds the wounded Meliodas and, in her rage, ends up completely destroying Vaizel with her Sacred Treasure Gideon, while Ban and the rest are running away. After Diane saves Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk watch in shock at what happened to Vaizel, while he reminds them how he said that it was too dangerous for them to be around.

Armor Giant arc[]

Ban dodging King attack

Ban training with King

After the Boar Hat stops at a unknown location, Ban and King start training together to improve themselves after the events at Vaizel. While they are sparring, Ban asks King if he was taking him lightly and tells him he should try to act like he was trying to kill him, but King tells him he can not kill someone who is immortal, to which Ban reminds him that he could stop him from fighting like he did in Capital of the Dead. Ban then tells King that Jericho's slash wounds did not heal at all, something that King finds odd, and wonders if it could be a power that stops time at the wound or an illusion power that creates a sensation of pain.

King then tells Ban that he is not acting like himself and could be trying not to think about something, with Ban quickly appearing behind King and tossing him toward a boulder in response, with King barely stopping himself from crashing into it. Ban then tells King that he just wants to crush the Holy Knights and take back the kingdom as soon as possible. King is further surprised to see Ban caring about other people's business to which Ban tells King that he feels the same, but King reveals that he wants to stop the Holy Knights because he wants to help Diane.

Ban telling King he will revive Elaine with the Horn of Cernunos

Ban plans to revive Elaine with the help of a Goddess

Ban then reveals to King that he wants to get the Horn of Cernunnos which greatly shocks King because it is the treasure of the kingdom. He asks Ban if he is planning to steal it, but Ban answers that since he is going to save the kingdom, the horn would be a good reward for him. King wonders aloud about the legend of the horn, which is said to have the ability to communicate with the Goddess Clan, with Ban revealing his intentions to use it and ask a Goddess to revive Elaine from the dead, claiming that it would not be a trouble for one. Ban then yells to King that he should take him more seriously, something that King agrees with. While sparring some more, King says to Ban that the main reason he is not acting like himself is because of Meliodas' change at Vaizel and how his power resembled Guila's and Jericho's, but was much more sinister.

Ban telling King why he follows Meliodas

Ban tells King his reason for following Meliodas

King starts to think that Meliodas could be from the Demon Clan but is stopped by an angered Ban, who yells at King, saying that Meliodas is not the same as the monster. King is confused as to the monster Ban is talking about, but Ban does not explain further. He tells King that Meliodas took him in, despite being an outcast and a bad person. Ban tells King that only two people in those world accepted him for who he was, and those were Elaine and Meliodas. Ban then tells King that Meliodas would never kill anyone, no matter how bad they were, saying he is too naive to be the same as the monster he fought in the past. Ban and King later meet with Diane and Elizabeth who went to find Meliodas, and later stands at the opening of the mountain Meliodas split in two, listening to his speech with the others.

King and the others later meet up with a group of kids who are role-playing as them, and later befriends them. Ban ends up chatting with Armando, who apologies to Ban for the trouble they are causing. Ban replies that it does not matter if they want to fool around, but warns that they should not role-play the Seven Deadly Sins since he would not help them if they got into trouble with the Holy Knights. Armando then tells Ban that it is odd how Meliodas talks like an adult while being the same age as Pelliot. Everyone is later informed that a group of Holy Knights was spotted at the mountain, to which the kids set out to find them. Later the Deadly Sins overhear a dying knight, screaming that there is an Armored Giant at the mountain which easily annihilated his group. Meliodas then reveals to everyone that the Armored Giant is the Goat's Sin of Lust, Gowther.

Ban attacking Weinheidt's illusion

Ban attacks an illusionary Weinheidt

King, Meliodas, and Ban head to the forest to find Gowther, where they see him having a standoff against the Dawn Roar. The standoff is broken when Pelliot arrives at the scene and attacks the giant, before being saved from death by Armando, who is smashed by Gowther to the ground. The Deadly Sins then head to the battlefield. Ban rushes toward Weinheidt to stop him from shooting down Gowther with his arrow, however Weinheidt turns out to be an illusion, informing Ban that the Dawn Roar knew about them hiding in the forest. The real Weinheidt, hiding in a pile of dead bodies, shoots Gowther with a powerful magical arrow, but the arrow is caught midway by Armando, who then reveals himself to be the real Gowther, to the shock of the Sins.

Excited, Ban walks toward Gowther and tells him he always thought he was a big old man under the armor. Gowther expresses his surprise that Meliodas did not change over the years, which Ban points out he does not look surprised and did not know the little kid is King until he changed back to his fat form. Once Gowther offers the giant head to the Dawn Roar, and they leave, Gowther tells everyone that the monster was most likely human, which shocks them. The monster later gets up despite being headless and Gowther further reveals that it used to be a Holy Knight.

Meliodas and Ban attack the beast

Ban and Meliodas attack the beast

The beast almost smashes Meliodas and Ban with it many finger fists, but the latter dodges in time and sent out several attacks against the beast's head, but the beast is not effected and sends them flying. King saves them with Chastiefol, which he then sends to fight the beast, but it is easily defeated by its ice breath. Meliodas and Ban decide to use the weapons of the dead Holy Knights and Meliodas charges toward the beast with a sword and a shield. When Meliodas uses Enchantment on the beast, Ban tells Meliodas to finish it, and becomes upset when Meliodas does not kill the beast due to hearing it speak.

When Meliodas is saved by Gowther with his strange arrow ability, Ban uses his whip to pull Meliodas away. Ban then scolds Meliodas for not killing the beast, but Meliodas explains that the beast is still alive, but Ban tells him to stop being naive. Gowther then uses one of his powers, Invasion, where he traps the beast into an illusionary world which his heart most desires to see, Ban says that they should kill the beast but Gowther responds by saying that the Holy Knight did not wish to be born like this, and therefore, he is unable to kill him. Ban decides to kill the beast himself until Meliodas stops him, saying that the beast is still partly human, but Ban does not listen and removes the beast's heart with his whip. Meliodas gets upset with Ban for killing the beast, but Ban tells him that they should have put it out of his misery, to which Meliodas responds to why not kill him. King then points out that the beast is mumbling something despite having lost its heart and start releasing a lot of power. Ban then wonders why removing the beast's heart did not work and realizes that it is a demon.

Ban crush the strange plant

Ban crushes the strange plant

While Meliodas tries to reason with Dale, Ban pushes him out of the way and gets cut in half. After Ban heals himself, he punches Meliodas and tells him he should stop being naive or everyone they know will die. Elizabeth then appears and offers Liz's Sword to Meliodas, which he finally uses to slay the beast in one hit. Ban then goes to search the body where he finds a strange planet which attempts to attack him, but he crushes it with ease and overhears Dale thanking him. The Deadly Sins later take Gowther to meet with Diane and hold a celebration party. Gowther later uses Invasion Search Light on Ban, which reveals that Ban robbed Diane and King's strength during a past battle while drunk, with Diane angrily squeezing him and King stabbing his legs for doing so.

Kingdom Infiltration arc[]

Ban coming along with Meliodas

Ban coming with Meliodas to Liones

As Meliodas explains his reason to head to Liones and get his sword back, a mysterious Holy Knight appears out of nowhere and takes Elizabeth, saying she was the last key to the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. After his initial outburst, Meliodas orders Diane to toss him to Liones, with Ban and Gowther deciding to tag along for their own reasons. Diane tosses the trio toward Liones at full speed with Ban screaming that he might die of such speed. Soon after, Meliodas, Ban and Gowther land near Liones and start running toward the kingdom, with Holy Knights aware of their arrival trying to stop them. Meliodas tells Gowther and Ban that their mission is to save Elizabeth and to keep the fighting to a minimum. Ban wonders if Meliodas will be going all out, with Meliodas responding that he will.

The Deadly Sins briefly stop when they feel a large power coming from the southern gate of the kingdom, which turns out to be the Camelot army led by Arthur Pendragon. Later, the trio continue to cut through the Holy Knights as they attempt to break through to the castle. Deciding to end this with minimal bloodshed, Gowther uses his Sacred Treasure Herritt to overwrite the memories of the attacking Holy Knights and turns them into their allies. Gowther explains his technique to the bewildered Meliodas and Ban who then warn him not to use that on them no matter what, which Gowther complied. The trio sneak away from the Holy Knights and go into hiding to figure out a decent strategy. Ban tells Meliodas that they should head to the Liones castle, because in fairy tales, the princesses always get locked in underground prisons. Meliodas agrees to the plan and heads out to the castle as Meliodas promise to save Elizabeth. The trio then sense a battle going on by the south gate, which changes Meliodas' mind, and he decides to head over there, thinking Elizabeth could be there.

Ban at Horn of Cernunnos area

Ban reaches the Horn of Cernunnos

The trio see Ground Gladius suddenly rise in middle of the kingdom, and realize it is one of Diane's abilities and collectively wonder if she is in trouble. Gowther offers to go and help her while Meliodas and Ban save Elizabeth. When Great Holy Knight Dreyfus makes an announcement of the Sins' presence in the kingdom, Ban calls him bastard as he and Meliodas keep running to the place where Meliodas believes Elizabeth might be.

As Dreyfus is under Gowther's Nightmare Teller, a past version of Ban is seen being completely drunk, earning an angry glare from King.

Meliodas and Ban stop in their tracks when they see giant roots attacking a section of the kingdom where Diane, Gowther and King are located. Ban asks Meliodas if he can sense it, which Meliodas nods to as he mentions that Diane and Gowther's powers are fading, but King's rose to an invincible level. Ban and Meliodas then decide to split up to cover more ground, with Ban heading off to the castle, and Meliodas to fight Hendrickson.

While inside the castle, Ban sneaks around, so he would not get caught by the Holy Knights. He spots a lone Holy Knight, and before he is able to call for backup, removes some Holy Knight's teeth and asks for information, threatening to remove his ribs too if he did not comply. After a successful interrogation, Ban leaves the Holy Knight unconscious and goes off to a wall, and turns a lion head around so a secret entrance is revealed. Ban walks inside the entrance and finds Liones' treasure, the Horn of Cernunnos, and is surprised by its great size. Ban calls out for a Goddess and asks if they could exchange his own life to revive Elaine from the dead. Ban then hears a voice and is shocked to see Hawk standing of the Horn. After Hawk explains to him how he ended up there, he suggests to leave and save Elizabeth, but Ban tells him to go ahead without him.

Ban thinks that he can not just give up like that, and that there must be something he can do to revive Elaine, and at that moment a voice speaks from the Horn, telling him that there is indeed something he can do. The Goddess tells him that due to the Ancient War, they lost their power and will need time to regain their physical forms. Ban is skeptical about the Goddess so easily agreeing to take his life and bring Elaine back to life, but the Goddess tells him that she will not take his life, but will ask him to do a mission, and if he succeeds, she will bring the fairy back to life. Hawk protests, telling Ban that it sounds shady, but receives a double shut up from both Ban and the Goddess. Ban then tells the Goddess that he agrees to do the mission.

Ban taking Meliodas hand

Ban taking Meliodas arm

The Goddess tells Ban that his mission will be to kill a certain man. She also tells him that this will benefit the four clans, and asks him if he will accept. Ban tells her that he had already said he will do what she wants. The Goddess then reveals that the one he must kill right now goes by the name of Meliodas from the Seven Deadly Sins, which deeply shocks Ban.

Ban later appears at the battlefield where Elizabeth had just been taken by Hendrickson, armed with a three-section staff. When Ban and Hawk approach Meliodas, Meliodas and Hawk agree to go rescue Elizabeth and ask Ban for help. However, Ban starts to attack Meliodas to the latter's shock, ripping his arm off. They exchange blows, and Meliodas snatches his arm back, using his Demon powers to reattach it to his body. As Ban witnesses Meliodas' ability, he asks Meliodas if he is from the Demon Clan, to which Meliodas does not respond, with Ban taking it as a yes. As they battle, Hawk tries to stop Ban by saying that if he killed Meliodas, they will no longer be friends. Ban responds that they were never friends which shocks Hawk, however he tells Hawk if he wants to stop him, then he should try, showing that despite choosing Elaine, he does not want to kill Meliodas. As Meliodas is driven against the wall in the middle of the fight, and Ban reveals that the Goddess Clan promised him to revive Elaine if he killed him, Meliodas understands Ban's intentions, as he had always heard him sleep talk about Elaine, and decides to accept death by Ban's hand.

Meliodas makes surprising attack on Ban

Ban head-butted by Meliodas

Ban was surprised at this sudden event, but decides to do as Meliodas wishes, saying he will never forget about Meliodas, telling Elaine to wait just a bit longer. As he is about to kill Meliodas, the latter jumps up and head-butts him in the face, breaking his jaw into pieces. Ban grows furious at Meliodas, asking why would he accept Bans offer, but then attacks him. Meliodas tells Ban that he did say he is okay with Ban killing him, but did not say he would not fight back. Meliodas then tells Ban that Elizabeth thinks nothing of sacrificing herself in order to save Liones, and knowing that, he can not just die. Meliodas tells Ban that despite what he is doing, Ban will always be his friend, no matter what, but like him, he is got things that he can not give up on. Hawk then confronts Ban, asking if he will really do what the horn ordered him to do, asking if Meliodas is not his friend. Ban tells Hawk that Meliodas is his greatest friend, but he wants Elaine to come back. Upset by this, Hawk says that if Elaine does not come back, he will lose his friend and Elaine might not be happy about this. Ban told Hawk what should he do, as when Elaine died, he was depressed, but when he met the other Deadly Sins, he kept himself distracted, but he still knew that he will be alone forever, be it in this world or next, saying this world without her is like Hell. Hawk did not understand Ban, but Meliodas said he understood Ban, but said that they should put their fight in a hold until they solve the current matter as the Deadly Sins, which Ban said he understands.

Ban return Jericho back to normal

Ban holds the cured Jericho

As Meliodas ordered Hawk to carry him to Elizabeth's location in Merlin Old Castle, Ban told Hawk to take care of Meliodas while he helped out with the current problem. Ban found the poisoned Gilthunder who he grabbed and tossed at the demonic Jericho which alarmed Margaret Liones and Vivian. Diane was annoyed at Ban's actions until he tossed a Hyper Recovering Spell he got from Vaizel at Diane and Gilthunder which healed them quick, but quickly realized that he should have used it on Meliodas. Ban then told King to take his fight against the revive slaved Helbram seriously due to Meliodas ordered. Ban faces the Hybrid Demon Jericho who her brother, Gustaf begged him not to kill her while Jericho plead to kill her as she does not want to live as a monster for her live. Ban grins as he said he will end her life as he used his three section staff to strike her. But, instead of killing her, Ban remove a strange "plant" which he destroyed as Jericho return to normal while Ban said he ended her life as a Holy Knight, saying that she should not hold it against him. Ban and King teamed up to stop the Hybrid Demon in Liones while the others help Meliodas to save Elizabeth.

Ban smacking Hendrickson

Ban attacks Hendrickson

Ban rejoins the other Deadly Sins member at Merlin's old castle to face Hendrickson in the final battle. While the Deadly Sins, Meliodas, King and Diane were fighting against Hendrickson, Ban questions Gowther how Hendrickson gain demonic powers which Gowther explains that Hendrickson gained them through a demon corpse (As Guila told him). Ban was surprised to hear what Gowther said until Hendrickson slams Ban against the wall where Ban discovers the Red Demon corpse that he slayed many years ago. Ban walks toward Hendrickson and furiously slams him against the wall as he asks where he got the corpse, and the wall breaks down to reveal the Red Demon corpse. The Deadly Sins were shocked to see the Red Demon corpse as Hendrickson explains that he found it in the Fairy King Forest long ago and how much of a blessing it was to him. Hendrickson used the power of the Red Demon and nearly stabs the Deadly Sins, However Ban uses this opportunity to get closer to Hendrickson and slam him to the ground while furiously telling him that he can not beat him since he was the one who killed the Red Demon.

Ban using Banishing Kill (anime)

Ban uses Banishing Kill on Hendrickson and Meliodas

When Hendrickson was sent underground, Ban destroyed the Red Demon in anger while King questions Ban about the Red Demon, but Ban responds that it does not matter. As they follow Hendrickson underground as they can still sense him and something greater in power. Leaving Diane behind due to her size as she is unable to fit inside the hole, the Deadly Sins travel inside to discover Hendrickson who revealed that he has another Demon underground that he discovered years ago, which was a large sun flower headed Demon knows as a Gray Demon which is much higher in power than the Red Demon. Hendrickson took a blood sample from the Gray Demon's corpse and injected on himself, which resulted in gaining a tremendous power-boost from the demon. Ban still attacked Hendrickson despite the warming Meliodas gives him, and half of his body was blow up with ease. As Hendrickson slaughters the Holy Knights, Ban manages to regain his body, but is soon sliced in half by Hendrickson. When the latter is about to use Dead End on Meliodas, Ban yells out for his captain to not die as he is the only one that gets to kill him. But, when Hawk took the hit and died, Ban shot out tears, yelling at Hendrickson for killing Hawk as he was a good nature pig. When Elizabeth unlock her hidden power and healed everyone, Meliodas thought of a plan and asked Gowther to use his ability to spread the message, which Gowther did through Broadcast which Ban attacked Meliodas like everyone else. It was revealed that Meliodas is charging up for Revenge Counter as it is Meliodas ultimate technique as it finally killed Hendrickson, ending his reign.

After the king, Bartra Liones returned and thanked the Deadly Sins, Ban goes to grieve over Hawk death, feeling terrible for saying that the two were not friends. However, Gowther logically explains to the Fox's Sin of Greed that if captain had died instead of Hawk, their chances of victory would have been diminished and Hawk's death did not even affect the fighting prowess of the group and considers not much of a loss. This angers Ban about to strike at Gowther for saying that but Merlin got in their way and defended the Goat's Sin of Lust. However, when Hawk body that covered black matter started to fade, revealing that Hawk is alive, but shrunken which bring great joy to everyone, especially Ban.

Post-Kingdom Infiltration arc[]

Ban Bizarre Party

Ban travels with King and Jericho

As Liones was being rebuild due to the battle, Ban feed Hawk some leftovers in the Boar Hat which was revealed that those foods were expired which does not seem to completely bothered Hawk. After Meliodas and Gilthunder chatted for a bit, Ban decided to tell Meliodas that he is not just leaving the Boar, but quitting the Seven Deadly Sins to Meliodas surprise. The next day, while everyone wore their new outfit, Ban refuse to wear his to King and Diane angry as they pick out the outfit for him. The Deadly Sins end up celebrating the festival while working at the Boar Hat, but, as the next morning, Ban wore his new outfit and said farewell to the group as he was about to leave the Deadly Sins. However, King comforted him and told him to let Elaine death go, which Ban refuse and told King that he is going back to the Fairy King's Forest much to King's shock. However, King does not believe Ban as the latter tend to lie to him a lot and that he saw the burned down forest ten years ago, but Ban decided to leave him and went on his journey. Having trouble believing Ban, King followed the bandit in order to find out the truth despite meaning leaving the group for a short period of time. While following Ban, they spotted Jericho who was following them as she was still mad at Ban for stripping her clothes and power from before.

Ban embrace Elaine corpse

Ban embraces Elaine's corpse

As the three journey together, Jericho questions the existence of Fairy's and the forest which King realizes that she was born after the forest was burned down. When a fog appeared out of nowhere, Ban told them that they were here as to King and Jericho shock, they found themselves in the newly made Fairy's King Forest to King great joy as he also spotted his old Fairy friends, Cisca, Ende, and Melik. However, King was greatly shocked and saddened to find out that his friends hate him for leaving the forest for seven hundred years and now believe that Ban is their new fairy king instead of King, the rightful heir. Ban along with Jericho and King, enter deeper to the forest as they found Elaine grave which bring tears to King as he flees the area, but Ban went closer to Elaine corpse and embraces it, claiming that he will still find a way to revive her. When the Fairies offered to help Ban revive Elaine as his followers, Ban brushed it off, saying he is not their king and that King is their king, but the Fairies refuse, saying King is a traitor while Ban is the hero who saved the forest. However, Ban gives them a dirty expression, claiming that someone like him can not be a king, as he tried to kill his only friend to revive one woman, bringing silence to the Fairies.

Albion arc[]

After visiting Elaine grave, Ban found King arguing with himself, which made Ban think he is going crazy, not realizing that King was speaking with Helbram's spirit. Later, King asked Jericho when she is planning to leave as only a few selected humans were allowed to be in the forest which Jericho replied that wherever Ban goes as she would show more value than a dead brat which Ban overhear and strip her out of anger. Ban revealed that he was not going back to the Boar Hat as he was planning on going on a journey to find a way to bring Elaine back alive which Jericho offered to come along as his disciple as she owns him a debt which he refuse. However, King tries to conceive Ban to return by asking Merlin for help or to fix his relationship with Meliodas which Ban refused. Ban then tease King, saying he should return to Boar Hat as Diane will "die of loneliness" if King is not with her which made King mad for teasing him until Ban revealed that it was true when a few days ago, Diane admitted that she is lonely without King while King went out to get supplies. King was shock at this news as he believes Diane somehow regain her lost memories of him which Ban smile and told him to go home.

Ban went back to the forest and Elaine grave to give some of his blood to keep the tree healthy, Gerheade appeared and told him the history of the forest, how she dislike Ban and still believe King to be the true heir to the Fairy Clan. However, Ban revealed he did not want the job and King can have it, however, Gerheade soon revealed her true plan and attacked Ban, hoping to use him for more blood for the tree. While Ban had the upper hand, The Fox Sin was soon distracted when Jericho and a Fairy were in danger, and when Elaine body in danger, which led to Ban to protect her. However, this led to Gerheade to trap him and place near to Elaine, so he can be close to her forever.

Ravens arc[]

After King saved the forest from the Albion, Ban, who was revealed to be still alive, used his own blood to help heal the Deadly Sin. Gerheade apologizes to the bandit who, grabs her by the collar and tells her that if she dares to try to lay a hand on Elaine ever again, he will kill her, proceeding to nonchalantly leave. However, King asks him if he is sure of his decision and Ban confirms it.[65] Later, he is seen at the port town Ivanloake, where he requests a miracle drug to revive the dead, the shop owner however tells him that he heard rumors of a dead person coming back to life. Ban asks him the name of the town and the shopkeeper tells him that it is the bandit city, Ravens.[66]

At a bar in the city, Jericho shouts at the sleeping bandit who forcefully awakes, heading back to the inn hence they did not get information out of the bar. Ban rents a room and tells the owner that Jericho will be paying. He asks the owner about the rumors but the man terrifyingly denies. Jericho complains about the room they're given but Ban tells her its on higher standards than the usual in this city. He tells her that he lived in this city when he was a kid, and before Jericho could ask more his attention was dragged by the ruckus outside where someone was getting beaten up. Jericho wonders if they should help him but Ban tells her to not stick her nose in it. However, as soon as he heard that person is the one who revived a dead person, Ban beat up the bandits and took the man to the inn, throwing him to the floor who is revealed to be a Werefox.[67]

Zhivago and Ban

Ban reunites with Zhivago

Ban speaks out how the Beastman escaped the bandits' abuse and proceeded to return Jericho's wallet, which the Werefox had stolen. Ban asks the beast if he revived a dead person but the Beastman denies that rumor, but collapses to the floor a moment later and is quickly rushed to bed. The beast tells them that they, humans will never understand what it is like to live off stealing alone, which causes Ban to reminisce.[68]

Whilst Zhivago told his story, Ban listened carefully until the Beastman mentioned his two sons and how he had betrayed one of them. After he told his story, Ban reassured the ill Beastman that he is not angry at him nor did he ever despise him for a moment, which startles the Beastman whom Ban recognizes as Zhivago, his idol father, embracing him soon after.[69]

After a heartwarming father and son reunion, Zhivago and Ban talk about the rumors of dead people coming to life, such as a deceased wife who strangled her husband to death and an order of killed knights wandering around. Zhivago notices Jericho and asks if she is Ban's lover, but Ban bluntly denies to her dismay. The Beastman notices Ban's physique of a 20 year old when he is supposed to be in his 40s, which Ban confirms that he drank the Fountain of Youth and became immortal, much to Zhivago's shock, confirming its existence to the old Beastman. However, Ban tells Zhivago about what he did to Meliodas to save Elaine, and how Meliodas forgave him even though he does not deserve it. Zhivago tells Ban that he has such a wonderful friend, continuing that he should not hate himself and that he should just ask for forgiveness. Zhivago says that these are his last words to him as his father, leaving to join his son in the afterlife.[70]

Ban and Elaine kissing

Ban and Elaine reunited.

Later, Ban is seen with Jericho after burying the old bandit, telling him to rest peacefully and pouring Beer on his grave. He then ends up saving Jericho from a reanimated human, who he deduces to be stronger than a standard man. After he crushes the corpses head, he turns to Jericho where he notices her being attacked. He intercepts and takes the attack head on and is surprised, to see Elaine. They then share an intimate moment with one another.[71]

Still startled, Elaine tells Ban that she wanted to see him again, and they resume kissing. A flustered Jericho asks what's going on and Ban reassures her that this is Elaine, and that he would not die of physical attacks. Elaine proceeds to attack Jericho to which Ban tells her she is not an enemy. Elaine refuses to listen and continues to attack Jericho. Ban begins to protect Jericho from Elaine, as he tries to persuade Elaine to stop. After hearing Jericho's speech, Elaine cries until Ban embraces her. He reminds her of his promise that he would one day make her his, and reassures her that they will go on a journey together. Relieved, Elaine loses consciousness in Ban's arms. After hearing a mysterious voice which states that Elaine would die soon, Ban turns to face both Galand and Melascula. He pieces together what has happened and swears that he is going to kill them for what they did to Elaine.[72]

Galand getting beaten by Ban

Ban fights Galand with his augmented strength

Ban pulls his Three-section Staff towards him, but Galand cuts him in half before he has a chance to move. After knowing of the commandment's defeat by Meliodas, Ban comments on their mentioning of Meliodas' relation to the Demon Clan. A furious Galand asks how he is still alive, to which Ban replies he is immortal. Galand tries to kill him once more, by crushing Ban's head, but, the latter recovers almost instantly. Galand then offers Ban to hit him once in honor of his feats, as Ban prepares his Hunter Fest, robbing Galand of his power and delivering a massive kick to the latter's gut. Ban continues his assault on Galand and soon shifts to attempt a hit on Melascula. Galand continues to attack Ban to no avail. Melascula deduces that Ban's ability, Snatch, will wear off soon and that he is currently beyond Galand's level. Ban continues to provoke them as he feels his body's exhaustion kicking in.[73]

Melascula forcing Ban's soul out of his body

Melascula forcing Ban's soul out of his body

Ban then switches his attention to Melascula who traps him in her Antan no Mayu. She explains that she is the "Faith" of the Commandments and impressed by Ban's strong faith while facing Elaine's rage moments ago. She knows that she can not kill him due to having an immortal body, however she reveals that his soul is still the same as a Human's and can be killed - forcing it out of his body. Galand asks for his soul but Melascula refuses, but he still proceeds to jump up and devour his soul.[74]

Ban using Fox Hunt on Melascula and Galand

Ban using Fox Hunt on Melascula and Galand

Ban's body is then seen using Fox Hunt, catching the commandments off guard and ripping out one of their hearts. He then grabs Jericho and Elaine, as he retreats while the demons are temporarily injured. After traveling a few dozen miles, Ban collapses due to exhaustion and explains hat he was saved by Zhivago, who appeared before Galand and was eaten in Ban's place. After asking Jericho to take Elaine and run, she refuses and instead, she promises to carry them to safety.[75]

As Jericho carries Ban and Elaine away, Galand and Melascula start toying with them by throwing boulders at their location. They miss twice, before the third one hits the ground and send the group tumbling off a cliff. Thanks to Elaine, the three of them land safely near a dark cave. Inside the cave is an open bar with a lone bartender inside. As they enter, the bartender greets them to his store: "My Sweet Gluttony".

Jericho, Ban and Elaine arriving at My Sweet Gluttony

Ban, Jericho and Elaine meet Escanor

The bartender who recognizes Ban backs away until Jericho tells him that the Seven Deadly Sins are no longer considered criminals. The bartender urgently asks about Merlin's condition, but is left hanging as Galand and Melascula find the bar. Ban, Jericho, and Elaine quickly hide from the two commandments.[76]

As night shifts to day, the bartender, who reveals himself to be the Lion's Sin of Pride, Escanor, decides to play Galand's deathmatch game. After a strong swing from Galand, Escanor intimidates Galand and causes him to flee breaking his own commandment and turning him to stone. After his small battle with Melascula, he turns to Ban and orders him to stay put... to which the latter states even if he could, he could not. Night falls and Escanor returns questioning Ban about everything that has happened in the last 10 years. The reunion between the two sins is then cut short as King and Oslo arrive.[77]

Great Fight Festival arc[]

Meliodas congrats Ban reuniting with Elaine

Meliodas forgives Ban

Ban, wearing a clothes given to him by Escanor, meets up with Meliodas and Arthur in the labyrinth around Vaizel. He and Meliodas perform their usual greeting (beating each other and arm wrestling) and Ban notes that Meliodas is much stronger. He informs them he is there with Escanor and Elaine. He attempts to apologize for attempting to Kill Meliodas back at Liones, but Meliodas deliberately keeps him from speaking, showing he does not see a need for an apology.[78] After a bit wondering around, he and Meliodas decide to reunite with Elizabeth and the others by simply destroying the wall before it can regenerate, and inadvertently blow a hole straight to the goal.[79]

When the festivities start, he is paired with Meliodas, and they both panic once they realize that Elaine and Elizabeth are participating.[80] They attempt to intervene, but Gloxinia stops them, and the girls tell them they will be fine.[81] His and Meliodas' first opponents are a pair of blue demons, though they win the fight without realizing it, when they accidentally kill their opponents while bickering with each other over who has the better girlfriend.[82]

Ban killing Melascula

Ban breaks Melascula's neck

When it seems like Escanor is going to unleash a devastating attack that will kill Hawk and Jericho, Meliodas stops him saving them, telling him to believe in Escanor.[83] Ban is then surprised to see that Escanor actually attacked Drole and Gloxinia. He then watches as Meliodas takes on the two Commandments by himself and is trapped inside the giant hands by Drole along with all the other contestants.[84] Hawk wants to go help Meliodas, but Ban says that all they would do is get in his way. He is then teleported back to Liones by Gilfrost along with the others and continue to watch the fight through Gilfrost's crystal ball[85] When King expresses doubt in Meliodas, Ban reaffirms that Meliodas will always be his captain, demon or not, and that the Ten Commandments themselves called him a traitor. When all the other Commandments arrive at the scene to aid their comrades, Ban screams for Meliodas to escape.[86] He angrily notices that Melascula is still alive, but Elaine tells him that is the only reason she is still alive.[87]

Ban crying for Meliodas' death

Ban is unable to prevent Meliodas' death

Unable to standby and watch as Melascula prepares to eat Meliodas' soul, Ban leaves to save Meliodas, even though it means that Elaine will die again. Before going, he apologizes to her and still promises to bring her back one day, though she says he has nothing to apologize for. He uses his Zero Sign technique to sneak by the Ten Commandments after having Gilfrost teleport him to the battle, and quickly breaks Melascula's neck and rips out five of her hearts. Meliodas calls him a dumbass and Ban simply replies that dumbasses stick together.[88] He helps Meliodas up, telling him to stand back, however Estarossa easily moves past him and stabs Meliodas in one of his hearts. Ban then tries in vain to stop Estarossa from destroying all of Meliodas' seven hearts, seeing himself unable to take Meliodas with his Fox's Hunt or even affect the Commandment even in full force and absorbing his strength. When Meliodas' last heart is destroyed, Ban explodes in a cry of anguish and Estarossa blows Ban's body to pieces, saying he is being too noisy.[89]

Defensive Battle for Liones arc[]

Ban is fighting alongside the Holy Knights to protect the Kingdom of Liones from the Ten Commandments' invasion. However, like the other Holy Knights, Ban falls victim to the effect of the Love Commandment of Estarossa, disabling them from attacking.

The Holy Knights incapacited by Estarossa's Lova Commandment

Ban and the Holy Knights under Estarossa's commandment

Ban presence the fight between Escanor and Estarossa, getting worried at first when his partner gets hurt, but reassured when Escanor counterattacked. When Estarossa uses the Full Counter to reflect a physical attack by Escanor, Ban is surprised that he is able to use the same power of Meliodas. When Escanor released so much power that he threatened to carbonize everyone present, Ban worries, until Escanor decides to take the battle to a nearby lake.

Ban tries to help evacuate the civilians inside the castle, but some knights were already brought the civilians. Suddenly they begin to attack the defense group. When a knight begin to babble about doing it for the Demon King, Ban deduces that it is must be the effect of a commandment.

When Denzel appears to fight the Commandments, Ban warns him that bluffing will not work with them. But then he recognizes the magic from Denzel's sword as the same he felt in the Horn of Cernunnos, being in fact the vessel of a Goddess.

Ban tries to revert the demon transformation

Ban tries to revert the demon transformation

After Nerobasta is killed by Derieri, Ban and the other knights enter the castle in order to evacuate the king, the princesses and others inside. However, they are surprised by Fraudrin and Grayroad, revealing that the latter has taken all the servants and children who were sheltered under the castle to slowly turn them into their demon servants inside her eggs. Despite Arden's attempt to free them, this only accelerates the process. Ban tries to use Fox's Hunt to remove the demon plants of the servants as he had done with the knights of the "New Generation", but with no results. Fraudrin reveals that the demonization process of the eggs is irreversible. There Dogedo separates Ban and kills the demon servants, only to be killed by the Pacifism commandment of Grayroad.

Merlin destroying the castle

Ban seeing the Liones castle destroyed by Merlin

The fight goes on, with the heroes on the losing side, until Merlin arrives to the battlefield, to confront the Ten Commandments, claiming that she will turn them into her guinea pigs. When Grayroad attack with Breakable Bug, Ban tells Merlin to not use Exterminate Ray inside the castle, but she uses it anyways, killing one of Grayroad's faces. When the Pacifism commandment not affect Merlin, she reveals that she is no affected by age alteration magics. Ban ask him is she is not human, to which Merlin affirms that she is not an immortal like him, but she stops her aging process by stopping her own time with her magic. After Merlin reveals the nature of her Infinity power, Ban is the only one to react positively. Ban later presence how Merlin capturing Grayroad, destroying the entire castle in the process,

Ban receives Meliodas

Ban giving Meliodas a cold welcome back

While Hendrickson and Dreyfus fights Fraudrin, Ban is then taken along everyone in the castle in Merlin's Perfect Cube. When a revived Meliodas appears in middle of the battle, Ban is shown happy to see his captain. However, upon see Meliodas' evil and sadistic way of fight and act, Ban affirms that he is not the Meliodas he known. After being completely submitted by Meliodas, Fraudrin decides to use all his remain power to self-detonate and eradicate all Liones with him. When Meliodas shows no interest in Fraudrin's attempt, Ban asks Merlin what could be Meliodas intentions in provoke Fraudrin like that.

When Meliodas cruelly assassinates Fraudrin despite the fact that he surrenders and forsakes his intentions, Ban is shocked by his actions. After the battle, Meliodas tells Ban if he is not going to tell him anything. Without looking at him, Ban gives him a simple pat on the shoulder saying that he is glad he is still alive and that he will gather everyone for the banquet that night for the victory, leaving Meliodas saddened.

Memories of the Holy War arc[]

The morning after the battle with the Commandments, Ban joins and treats Meliodas in a friendly way, claiming that he was not part of the banquet of the previous night. There Ban apologizes for his attitude of the previous day, asking him that nothing has changed between them, to which Meliodas responds that he does not need to apologize. When Ban affirms that Meliodas always keeps a stupid and empty face making everyone worries about him, Meliodas crashes Ban against the wall, destroying his body.

When the group decides to reunite all the Sins again, Ban is happy and reunites with everyone in the top of the castle waiting the arrival of King and Diane.

Corand arc[]

Diane and King reunite with everyone in Liones and discover that Meliodas is alive. There, Ban and Meliodas make fun of King's new wings, Ban specially mocks of its little size, causing King to become irritated.

While Diane reveals that she met with Gowther 3,000 year ago, Ban thinks that she was only dreaming, but Merlin reveals that it can be possible with the Goddess Clan's time regression technique.

Meliodas and Ban searching for Gowther

Meliodas and Ban searching for Gowther

When Gowther flees the scene to see his old heart in the hands of Bartra, Ban wonders if he had to go to the bathroom, to which King reaffirms what Merlin said that he is a doll. Although Ban initially only thinks about drinking for the meeting, he and the other Sins go out in search of Gowther in order to help him. On the way, Ban asks Meliodas if he knew about Gowther being a doll, leading Meliodas to tell him the whole story about how the original Gowther of the Ten Commandments created him as a connection to the outside world after being imprisoned, revealing that the doll was modeled in the image of the woman that its creator loved but with the body of a man to avoid any sexual desire. Ban mentions that sounds awful. Ban gets irritated knowing that Gowther have no presence to track and that he will not respond to their calling.

Meliodas hitting Ban

Meliodas injuries Ban with a blow

Ban then attends to a dinner with everyone, staying with Elaine and drinking. Drunk, he forces Hawk to drink too. Ban expresses his enjoyment of all seven of them being reunited and then asks Gowther the origin of his cross-dressing habit, leaving him to reveal his experience with Bartra. When everyone is worried about facing Zeldris, Ban admits that he must be his most powerful enemy. Ban then has a discussion with Escanor, resulting in Elaine blaming him for being rude.

The next morning, Ban and King spy on the conversation between Meliodas and Elizabeth that ends with Elizabeth leaving very affected. Then, both ask Meliodas about it, with Ban laughing about the couple fight. Then, Meliodas deliveries a punch to Ban, the latter ending with a large hole in his chest. Upon regenerating, Ban demands Meliodas to pay for his ripped clothes, when the three sense Elizabeth's magic and goes to the Boar Hat where Elizabeth has cured Merlin from her disease.

Ban and Meliodas talking

Ban talks with Meliodas about Elaine

Later, Ban and the other Sins reunite to discuss the course of action. Merlin states that their next destination is Corand, where a dimensional distortion has been generated, preventing anyone to approach Camelot by any means. After this, Ban asks Elizabeth to take care of Elaine.

On the way to Corand, Ban tells Meliodas his worries about the next battle, so if they kill Melascula, the origin of the distortion, Elaine will surely die. Meliodas tries to say that he understands his feelings, but Ban asks if he really could understand the pain of having to let the woman that he loves die. There, both are interrupted by Escanor, who alerts them that Elizabeth was acting weird. When the princess reveals memories of her past lives and finally faints, Meliodas cries yelling that Elizabeth will die in three days, surprising all the Sins. There, Meliodas finally tells his companions his history with the original Elizabeth 3,000 years ago and how both were cursed in an eternal loop of pain with him living forever, and she reincarnates as a human every time she dies in front of Meliodas which has already happened 106 times. Upon learning this, all Sins, except Merlin, are in shock. Ban is shown in silence, now aware of his friend's suffering.

Ban killing an Ochre Demon

Ban crushing a demon

Before arriving to Corand, the group stops in Ordan that was being terrorized by a pair of demons. When the Ochre Demon tries to attack one of the villagers, Ban gets in the way saying that for some time he did not feel death, the Ochre Demon begins to attack him and tell him to die. During the assault, Ban reminds what he said to Meliodas and the truth that Meliodas goes through a suffering much worse than his own. When the demon says that it will take his soul to recover and revenge, Ban brutally kills him by crushing him with a stomp. There, Ban asks himself what he must do.

When the Sins finally arrive at Corand, Meliodas is tricked by an illusion of Zeldris and attacks it. As a result, Meliodas is trapped inside the Antan no Mayu. Ban recognizes it as Melascula's technique and jumps to save Meliodas, but he could not prevent the dark sphere to take Meliodas away.

Ban overpowered by the reanimated soldiers

Ban overpowered by the reanimated soldiers

There, all skeletons remains from Corand's citizens come back to life by Melascula's magic. Initially, Ban has no problem fighting them, but when Melascula empowers them with Meliodas' energy, the skeletons could rapidly overpower and seriously hurt Ban. Escanor call Ban unfortunate for being defeated by such weak opponents. Ban tries to warn Escanor that they are about to attack him, but the Lion's Sin manages to eliminate all the skeletons without any problem, stating that keeping calm is a privilege of the powerful.

After Diane ends being possessed by Corand's spirits, Merlin states that they must attack her with the intention to kill and Ban says to Diane to not blame him for that. However, King intervenes to prevent them to hurt Diane. When the spirits force Diane to hurt herself with Gideon's tip, Ban tries to use his Snatch to remove Gideon from her, but he is unable to do it.

Ban and Elaine

Ban saved by Elaine

Diane is saved by Elizabeth and Elaine who suddenly appear on the battlefield. Ban reproaches Elaine that she must go back inside for her health although Elaine says she was worried about him and the others. When Elizabeth reveals that Merlin used to call her "big sis-sis", Ban and the others are shown surprised.

Melascula suddenly appears and claims that she will judge them all, taking the form of a giant snake. Melascula states that she does not like take that form for aesthetic reasons to which Ban says that it looks much better that her former appearance. There, Melascula attacks catching him in her jaws trying to take revenge on him by devouring him. Elaine tries to save him with no result and Ban says that she must not force herself. However, her feelings allow Elaine to make her wings grow and take Ban away from Melascula. Ban affirms that he is the one that is always saved by her.

Ban corroed by Melascula's poison

Ban corroded by Melascula's poison

When Meliodas suddenly unleashes all his demonic power to break free of Melascula's imprisonment, Ban is shown very conflicted. He then proceeds to get out of Elaine's arms and attacks Melascula, affirming that he could kill her by taking out her last heart. However, his Fox's Hunt has no effect. Melascula explains that she could move her heart to any part of her extended body at will, before Ban gets hit from her Deadly Poison. Despite his immortality, the poison corrodes Ban's seal affirming Melascula that there is no way out of her acid poison. Ban tells Elaine to stay away. However, Elizabeth approaches without inconvenience and heals Ban with her Invigorate.

Ban hating his weakness

Ban curses his weakness

After Melascula is finally overpowered by Diane and King, Elaine corners her and claims that she must be killed even if that means that she must die too, but Elizabeth manages to remove all of Melascula's demonic miasma and returns her to her original form as a little harmless snake.

After Meliodas and Escanor's fight, Ban stays away from the others blaming himself for not being of any help in the battle. Elaine hears his thoughts and confronts him with a kiss on his head.

Prelude to the New Holy War arc[]

Ban saves his companions

Ban saves his companions

Ban appears in middle of the battle between the Sins and Chandler. When this one is about to kill everyone, Ban manages to take King, Diane, Meliodas and Elizabeth out of his attack. When Chandler ask who is interfering now, Ban claims that is a human.

When Chandler take his guard down, Ban catches him from back and tell King to attack. Ban takes the hit of his Increase along Chandler. Ban laments the cruel words he said to his best friend without even stopping to think about the suffering that was happening and only worrying about his own problems, asking for an opportunity to ask for forgiveness. Chandler realizes that Ban is immortal, but giving no importance to that, he obliterates Ban and release his attacks against King and Diane. Ban tries to stop him, only to be called a weakling and being obliterated again.

Chandler blows Ban up

Chandler blow Ban up

When the Sins appear to be defeated, Elizabeth heals them all and Gowther manages to immobilize Chandler, allowing King to give a final blow with Chastiefol. Ban congratulate King for saving them all. However, Chandler returns releasing his true form and power. Recognizing that they could not deal with Chandler in that form, King uses his Bumblebee to contain Chandler and ask Ban to take everyone out meanwhile he is distracted. Ban refuses to let him fight alone, to which King states that he will only hinder him.

Ban, along the rest of the group, are saved from Chandler attack by Drole and Gloxinia, who takes them away back to the Boar Hat.

Ban in the Purgatory

Ban on the Purgatory

After safely gets away, Ban goes with Elaine praising her for her previous actions. Elaine says that she is glad to everyone to be safe, but Ban says that have been sacrifices. Elaine says that she hear the hearts of Drole and Gloxinia until their deaths and say that he must not feels responsible for them. Ban says that he will do everything he can do for her.

Ban suddenly feels Chandler approaching the Boar Hat and goes outside with the others to see Meliodas finally awaken. Ban is worried about him returning to his former self, trying to remind him that he is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. Meliodas, however, retains all his memories with them, calling them his previous friends. Ban is shocked with Meliodas declares that the Seven Deadly Sins are officially disbanded, and even more shocked when he declares that he will become the new Demon King to save Elizabeth, before departing with her and Chandler.

When Merlin reveals that Hawk is a living portal to the Purgatory, Ban personally volunteered to go and retrieve Meliodas' lost emotions, despite knowing that he might not succeed or even return from such a journey. Before leaving, Ban ask King to take care of Elaine.

New Holy War arc[]

While the war is occurring, Ban has been wandering Purgatory for an unknown amount of time, decades or centuries even, searching for Meliodas' emotions. At some point, Ban almost lost his self, having become a fox-like black creature, fighting other monsters like him, but manages to regain his humanity by remembering Elaine. His appearance is changed, his hair having grown extremely long, reflecting the signs of the pass of time.

He wanders around in the extreme conditions of the place speaking to himself, when suddenly the ground cracks wide open, making Ban falls down into a deep chasm. A dragon-like monster jumps after him and attacks. Ban and the beast fight fiercely and continuously for another few decades, until it comes to a halt, surprising Ban, who believes that the creature grew fond of him.

Ban finds Meliodas in the Purgatory

Ban finally finds Meliodas

Ban wonders where Meliodas could be in this place and express his desire to see his woman again. Then a voice agrees with him. Ban looks for the source of that voice, when notices that the dragon have disappeared. It is revealed then that the dragon was in fact Meliodas' emotions all along, who seems to have gone back to their true state, still longing to be reunited with Elizabeth.

Ban greets Meliodas when he wakes up. Meliodas believes that only an illusion, Ban reveals that it is real. Meliodas hugs him, crying disconsolately.

Meliodas and Ban start talking about the Purgatory. When Ban reveals that he went there to look for him, Meliodas asks him if he knows a way out of the Purgatory. Ban realizes that he never cared to figure out how to return. Meliodas is disappointed in his stupidity, questioning him to throw himself into the Purgatory without even anticipating an escape route. Ban says that he could not leave him alone in such a place. Meliodas is happy to at least have his friend with him in that horrible place, to which both are pleased.

Ban kills a creature from the Purgatory

Ban kills a creature from the Purgatory

Ban and Meliodas decide to get going to find a way to return. Meliodas suggests that before they should look for something to cover their nudity, but Ban reminds him that in that place even the armor ends up disintegrating. Meliodas then shows him the two kinds of creatures that inhabit the Purgatory, one of them, the alien species, which evolved to survive in the Purgatory, can be used to make suitable clothing.

Ban tries to capture one of these creatures, but his speed allows him to avoid it completely and go after Meliodas. Seeing how the creature manages to knock him down easily, Ban asks him what happened with his monstrous force. Meliodas understands that being only the emotions of the real Meliodas, he will only end up delaying Ban. Even so, Ban affirms that he will carry with him. He tries to use his Fox's Hunt on the creature, but it returns to avoid it with his speed. Ban begins to chase, being unable to catch it.

Ban and Meliodas in the Purgatory

Ban and Meliodas in the Purgatory

Taking a rest from the persecution, Meliodas asks him how much he must have suffered in Purgatory with a body of flesh. Ban tells him that he lost count of how many times he was about to surrender, spending the first hundred years reliving from burning to ashes, frozen to the bone and rotting from deadly poisons. However, after two hundred years, he ended up getting used to all that, even being able to sleep in the process. There, Ban manages to wait and use a quick blow to finally kill the creature.

While making new clothes with the skin of the creature, Meliodas thanks Ban saying that he is incredible. Ban tells him that when Merlin told him that the Demon King had captured him, he hoped he was locked somewhere. Meliodas explains that at first it was like that, but in the end he managed to escape but ended up giving up on finding a way out and became a monster. Ban asks him if the Demon King was okay with letting him wander with the possibility of finding the exit, giving Meliodas with the conclusion that the Demon King is the one who watches the exit of the Purgatory.

Ban saving Meliodas from a Purgatory monster

Ban saving Meliodas from a Purgatory monster

After finishing their new clothes, Ban and Meliodas decide to start their escape mission. While touring the Purgatory, Ban asks Meliodas what he wants to do first after having returned to the real world. Meliodas tells him that he wants to break Elizabeth's curse and drink enough barnya to fill his eyes, and Ban says that he will revive Elaine and drinks enough aberdeen to bathe in it.

Several monsters attack them, ending Meliodas unable to fight and trapped by them. There, Ban manages to save him and uses Crazy Hunt to kill all the monsters. Noticing the presence of another, Ban kills it from a distance, affirming that the flesh of that creature is the most delicious.

Ban and Meliodas meet Wild

Ban and Meliodas meet Wild

While they eat the creature's flesh, Ban mentions that they do not really need to eat being an immortal and a soul in a fake body, but that doing it really makes them feel alive. Meliodas says that even though they have spent five hundred years without seeing each other, he does not stop being surprised at his ability to adapt to things. Ban says that he had no other option, but Meliodas says he is not surprised that he tried to adapt, but that he could. Ban mentions that burns and frostbite have stopped affecting him and that he can breathe rotten air without problems. Meliodas declares that he is the only human who has survived so long in the Purgatory and retained his rationality, Ban says that it is due to his immortality, but Meliodas remarks that with that it would not be enough. Ban believes that it is because he was raised in a horrible environment as a child, but Meliodas does not believe that he is related. Meliodas tells him that his body and soul have been explosively transformed by what he has experienced, and that everyone on the other side will be greatly shocked to see him. Although he does not feel it himself, Ban hopes to be strong enough to face the Ten Commandments. Meliodas laughs at his claim, causing Ban to get angry.

Ban points out that he now knows the true size of his power by not seeing him suffer the wounds that his immortal body suffered, claiming that when he returns to his body, no one can oppose him. Ban and Meliodas begin to talk happily about what they will do when they find the Demon King and escape, Ban says he will play games with Elaine and all the Seven Deadly Sins will meet in the Boar Hat while Meliodas does not cook. There, both notice the presence of some individual observing them.

Ban and Meliodas on Wild's house

Ban and Meliodas in Wild's house

Meliodas launches to attack his spy with his sword, but all his thrusts are avoided. Ban tries to catch him, but the spy just leaves his hand on the bones and catching him in the back. Ban asks if he is a subordinate of the Demon King, the spy denies it but says that he can take both to the Demon King if they both help him too. When asked what he wants help with, Ban and Meliodas are shocked to see that individual, posing as Wild, looking exactly identical to Hawk.

Ban and Meliodas tells Wild about Hawk

Ban and Meliodas tells Wild about Hawk

Wild declares to be a warrior in search of his younger brother. Ban and Meliodas wonder if this brother is Hawk, Wild says that his brother is called Mild, but that having been sent to another world since he was born, he might not remember his real name. Realizing that Hawk could be his brother, Wild breaks into tears of joy.

In the face of the impending sandstorm, Wild takes Ban and Meliodas to his home and offers them wild boar broths. After telling them about how his brother had been kidnapped by the Demon King, he asks both of them to tell him about Hawk. After hearing them, Wild suffers to shock to know how it is, but affirms that he will love him no matter what.

Ban, Meliodas and Wild looking for the Demon King

Ban, Meliodas and Wild looking for the Demon King

After passing the sandstorm, Ban, Wild and Meliodas went to where the Demon King is. After passing the sandstorm, Ban, Wild and Meliodas went to the Demon King. On the way, Ban asks how long the Demon King has been in Purgatory, Wild tells him that he has been there long before he was born millions of years ago. Wild also tells them that he faced the Demon King 120,118 times when he was looking for his brother, leading Ban to say that he has an insane tenacity. Ban claims that Hawk would crap his pants to see him. When Meliodas says that he is a good older brother, Ban asks him why he should be. Upon learning that he also has a younger brother, Ban asks him about Zeldris.

Ban, Meliodas and Wild facing the Demon King

Ban, Meliodas and Wild facing the Demon King

Meliodas stops to talk to Ban and Wild about their younger brothers, Zeldris and Estarossa. Ban is surprised to learn that Estarossa is his brother, claiming that they have no resemblance, to which Meliodas says he can not help him in that, leading Ban to ask him to continue his story. After listening to the past of Meliodas and Zeldris, Ban is emotional saying that what they both lived was not useless. When Wild asks about Estarossa, Ban reproaches him. There, Meliodas begins to feel strange about his memories of Estarossa. Suddenly, a voice interrupts them, claiming that he does not remember anything about Estarossa either. This is revealed to be the Demon King.

Ban healing Wild

Ban healing Wild

Ban is surprised to see the huge size of the Demon King, to which Wild says he has grown steadily consuming the life of the Purgatory. After Wild failed to attack him, the Demon King unleashes a blow on all three. Ban manages to evade and catch Meliodas half fallen, surprised of the incredible power of the Demon King. Ban uses his Physical Hunt on him, but to his surprise, his own energy is being absorbed instead. Upon falling with his exhausted strength, Ban is stopped by Meliodas, after the Demon King threw lightning bolts all over the place. Ban wonders what kind of magical power Demon King possesses, which was able to render useless his Snatch and Meliodas' Full Counter, as well as Wild's attacks. Meliodas reveals the power of his father, also called the "Demon King", as "The Ruler".

Ban manages to hold on the Demon King

Ban manages to hold on the Demon King

While sixty years pass in the Purgatory, the trio still battles the Demon King, being defeated every single time they charge at him. After their defeat number 6,093, the three stop to eat. Meliodas begins to think that maybe Elizabeth will not die if he does not return, but Ban convinces him that they should not surrender until they escape and can eliminate the curse of Elizabeth and revive Elaine.

The Demon King restains Ban

The Demon King restains Ban

Ban and the others return to launch themselves against the Demon King, only so that the same succession of events that lead to be easily defeated by The Ruler is repeated. When they were thrown away, Ban discovers that his powers could also "heal", as Wild's wounds have been "healed" by him by "giving" some of his own life, a fact that develops after the sixty years of his power being absorbed by the Demon King. There, Ban ask Meliodas about what the Demon King said about that Full Counter is not his true magical power, getting angry with Meliodas only gives him evasives. However, upon analysing what happened during their fights, they also discovered how to get around with Demon King's power, and they charge at him once again.

Ban, instead of using his Snatch to try to steal the strength of the Demon King, uses it to give him his own power instead. This surprisingly ends up weakening the Demon King. Meliodas reveals that The Ruler actually reverses the effects of enemy abilities, turning damage and debilitation into power and healing.

Ban uses his infinite life to keep weakening the Demon King to allow Meliodas and Wild to reach the exit of the Purgatory, However, the Demon King manages to revert the effect by switching off his power. Meliodas then tries to battle the Demon King himself, as the gate to the real world is revealed. Ban refuses to go, saying that he can not leave the Captain behind but Wild decides to use Wild Full Throtle, ultimately leading to his death, as this technique is considered by him his "Trump card", consuming all his life force to increase his power. With this technique, he was able to hold off the Demon King, giving Ban and Meliodas a chance to escape.

Ban and Meliodas leaving the Purgatory

Ban and Meliodas leaving the Purgatory

As they fall down the exit to the real world, Ban and Meliodas lament that in the end Wild and Hawk can not meet, Ban wonders if they should tell Hawk about Wild's song. However, the Demon King manages to grab Meliodas from Purgatory to prevent him from escaping. Ban tells Meliodas to return to help him, but Meliodas assures him that he will escape by his own means and that he must get ahead to help everyone. Ban tells him that he trusts that he will follow him, while following the path to the real world.

Ban emerges in the real world through Hawk, right where this was with Diane, King and Elizabeth after their battle againts Mael. In his thoughts, Ban tells Meliodas and Elaine that he has returned. Elizabeth is happy to see him safe, and asks for Meliodas, to which Ban says he is on his way to return with her. Ban tells his companions that they should go to where Meliodas is and that he will reach them after finishing a pending issue.

Ban renounce his immortality to revive Elaine

Ban renounces his immortality to revive Elaine

In the middle of the battle of the Search-and-Destroy Force against the Demon Clan army, Ban catches Elaine after she fell due to using all her power in the fight, killing all the demons that attempt to devour her. Upon seeing him, Elaine delights in his return, assuring that it is not a dream. Realizing that she used too much power and that her temporary life is fading away, Elaine affirms that despite everything, she is happy, since the only thing she wanted was to be in Ban's arms one last time. There, Elaine dies in Ban's arms for the second time.

However, Ban refuses to let her go, affirming that it is not the end and that he intends to sustain it for a long time more. He then uses his Gift to transfer the power of the Fountain of Youth in Elaine. Regaining consciousness, Elaine asks him to stop, because losing the Fountain would mean giving up his immortality. Upon completion of the transfer, the power of the Fountain manages to return Elaine to life permanently.

Elaine asks Ban if it is really okay to have lost his eternal life, to which he tells her that he does not care as long as he can fulfill the promise he made to her. After a passionate kiss, Ban reminds Elaine of what he said about "one day he would steal her". Elaine hugs him while he tells her that she belongs to him for the rest of their lives.

Ban facing Demon King Meliodas

Ban facing the Demon King Meliodas

Ban then goes to Camelot where Meliodas have been possessed by the Demon King after absored all the ten Commandments. The Demon King mortally wounds Hawk, calling his face very irritating and declares that he sends him to where his brother is. However, Hawk is snatched from his clutches by Ban, who promises to take the Demon King out of Meliodas' body.

Ban throws Hawk with the other Sins, and King warns him that even being immortal he could not do anything against the Demon King by himself. There, Ban reveals that he is no longer immortal, since he gave up his power of the Fountain of Youth to revive Elaine.The Demon King sarcastically asks him how he intends to get him out, which Ban says he will simply do. Calling him a foolish child, the Demon King says he has the power of a god and releases a toxic and caustic storm over the entire area. Ban, however, endures it without problems, stating that compared to what he experienced in Purgatory, that is just a nice breeze.

Ban hitting the Demon King

Ban hitting the Demon King

The Demon King tries to attack him with his claws, but Ban uses his speed to evade and punch him in the face that the Demon King manages to block, having to stop his storm in the process. The two then enter a physical contest, after receiving a kneeling of Ban, the Demon King responds with several quick aces that Ban manages to evade and respond with many short and quick blows. The Demon King however manages to strike him in the stomach and back, claiming that he was a fool believing he could do something against him by his own. However, the blows begin to affect the Demon King, to which Ban says he is not alone, since the real Meliodas is also fighting him from the inside.

The Demon King pierces Ban's body

The Demon King pierces Ban's body

After regret not having destroyed them in the Purgatory, the Demon King continues his fight against Meliodas and Ban. In both scenarios, their attacks are completely bypassed. Ban responds with a strong kick to the head. Ban continues to strike hard at the Demon King, this one respond with a headbutt, but Ban takes his head and stomp it in the ground, causing a great impact. Ban asks if he has problems controlling his son's body or if he has been rejected by him. Ban assures him that his strength does not compare in any way with that of Meliodas.

There, the Demon King tells Meliodas that there is no need to go and look for Elizabeth, because she is already dead and that he could never have her in his arms again. Meliodas calls him a liar, but even so Meliodas succumbs to the sadness of this possibility and there the Demon King sees the opportunity to attack him. This gives the Demon King the opportunity in the living world to regain strength, holding Ban by the neck with his claws and piercing the abdomen with his fingers. The Sins try to talk to Meliodas to help Ban, but the Demon King tells them that their voices never reach him in the spiritual world.

There, Gowther comes out with a plan and manages to use his Invasion and take Elizabeth and the other Sins minus Ban into the spiritual world where Meliodas confronts the Demon King.

Ban furiously assault the Demon King

Ban furiously assault the Demon King

When the Demon King suffers the damage of Melodias' attack, he is forced to release Ban. There, he decides to cut off his son's power source by murdering Elizabeth and the Sins whose physical bodies were immobile under the magic of Gowther. Mael and Ludociel jump to protect them, but the Demon King says that some Archangels like them have no right to challenge a god. The Demon King sends his ornaments to the sky which are transformed into a great face called Tansoku no Kenjin. Ban states that the likes of a little human like him is also stepping up to him, and uses his Snatch to send the face to the ground. However, the Demon King sends him flying with an elbow, ordering everyone to stay out of their family affair with his son.

Ban ends with the Demon King

Ban ends with the Demon King

Ban resists Tansoku no Kenjin's attack and decides to stop the Demon King before he kills the others in five seconds. Ban curses that it takes all of his focus to keep up with him and that at that rate everyone will be eliminated. However, the Tansoku no Kenjin ends up being intercepted by Zeldris, to everyone's surprise.

The Demon King asks Zeldris to tell him the reason for his actions. Zeldris tells him that he wants him out of his pending affairs with Meliodas, but that he has something to ask him: if he knew about his relationship with Gelda when he ordered him to execute the Vmapire Clan. The Demon King says the he is a fool for not understand that he did it out of love and to save him form himself and his own weakness.

Due to his son actions, the Demon King creates the Setsuna no Inja to deal with Zeldris, while the Demon King pins Ban to the ground.

As Zeldris defeats the creature, the Demon King shoots a energy energy bolt that cut open Zeldris' chest. Ban take the chance to recover and hits the Demon King with a kick.

Meliodas and Ban after defeating the Demon King

Meliodas and Ban after defeating the Demon King

Ban strikes the Demon King with fury claiming that Zeldris is his own flesh and blood. The Demon King hits him back stating that he does not need weaklings in his bloodline. Ban gives another strong blow leaving him in bad condition. At the same time, the Demon King is riddled by Meliodas' Trillion Dark. Ban gives him another kick, beating him more. At the doors of his demise, the Demon King begins to fly across the battlefield in a state of madness. A returned Merlin recognizes that he is in a desperate attempt to take Meliodas to the death with him and states that they must rid him off from Meliodas' body.

Ban manages to intercept and stop his death throes, and then send him flying with a kick. King, Elizabeth and Merlin then combine their techniques in their Combined Technique: Triple Prison leaving the Demon King trapped. This however manages to break free in a berserk state with his ultimate technique Meat Darkness striking the ground with great force. There, Diane surprises him with her Diamond Tower, giving Ban the clear to give the Demon King the final blow. Ban climbs to the top of the tower and scream to take Meliodas' ass back there. With a strong fist that sends the Demon King breaking through the diamond, he is finally defeated and expelled from Meliodas' body. With the real Meliodas back in his body, Ban says that he is beaten to hell and back.

Elizabeth goes with the rest of the Sins and heal Meliodas and Ban's bodies.

Ban discern Meliodas's secret

Ban discern Meliodas' secret

Despite their victory, the Sins are saddened that with the destruction of the Demon King, they have missed the opportunity to break Elizabeth's curse. She tells them that this is already done, that what she most wanted was for Meliodas to be the same since she would never see him again if he became the Demon King. Elizabeth says she can always reincarnate if she dies, but Merlin asks if she really is okay with that.

There, Meliodas surprises everyone by claiming that he acquired the power to break the curse while escaping from the Purgatory. Gowther tells him that making a joke like that can get him killed, but Meliodas says he is not kidding. Ban states that it is incredible that he conveniently acquired that power, leading him to deduce what Meliodas actually did. Despite the dissonance of this and Ban, Merlin uses her Curse Discovery for the curses of Meliodas and Elizabeth to take physical form. There, Meliodas assumes the appearance he had when he was Demon King and tells Elizabeth that despite having made her wait 3,000 years will fulfill the promise he made her. Meliodas easily destroys the two curses and with that Elizabeth embraces him with joy since his long journey has ended, but then it is rectified that their trip together has only begun.

Demon King arc[]

Celebration for the end of the Holy War

Ban and the rest celebrating the end of the Holy War

With the defeat of the Demon King and the curses of Elizabeth and Meliodas destroyed, the Holy War ends finally and the Sins return to Liones. Ban and Meliodas finds Hawk in an alley eating garbage, asking what he does in a place like this. Hawk tries to convince them that he is another pig, but Meliodas says that there can not be any more talking pigs. When he tells her that Elizabeth is worried about his way of acting, Hawk admits that he feels pathetic for not having been of any help during the Holy War and having had to be saved by Ban and Elizabeth. Ban hits Meliodas when he says that this is not different from how it has always been. Hawk recognizes that somewhere he had already realized how weak he really was and that he did not deserve to be with heroes like them.

Ban ask Meliodas when he leaves

Ban ask Meliodas when he leaves

Ban and Meliodas comfort him by saying that despite knowing he is weak, he always puts his life in danger without hesitation to protect his friends, which is a test of true brave. An moved Hawk tries to hug them, but they avoid him because he is covered in garbage, snot and tears. Even so, the two sing the song that Wild taught them in Purgatory to make Hawk feel better. Hawk does not understand the meaning of the silly song, but still ends up being moved to tears despite not knowing why.

The three of them then attend the party at the new Boar Hat, despite Ban complain about if someone will go to a inn in the night after the end of the Holy War. The Boar Hat ends full and Ban takes charge of cooking the food with Elaine at his side.

Taking a break, Meliodas mentions that this is the first starry night they see in a thousand years. Ban mentions that his reserves of drink will be exhausted and Meliodas says that they should be replenished for the next time. Ban then asks when it will be, leading Meliodas to say that he already noticed. Ban reveals that Meliodas could not stay for long and asks him to know when he left.

Ban and Elaine discuss Meliodas's situation

Ban and Elaine discuss Meliodas' situation

Later, while in the bed with Elaine, she ask him if its true that Meliodas is no longer to be part of their world. Ban confirms it since Meliodas become the Demon King on his own free will, the world is rejecting him to sustain the balance of his massive power. Elaine wonders if it is not a way to prevent it, but Ban says that even if its not, he does not want to stop it because he will support his friend's choose. Elaine then starts to cry thinking of how Elizabeth will feel of having to part with the one she loves. Elaine asks if it is okay for Meliodas to keep it a secret, to which Ban reveals that although Meliodas does not want to tell anyone, the others are already beginning to realize the truth, even though they try to pretend not to fear to make it come true if they say it out loud.

The day after the end of the Holy War, Elaine and Ban then join Elizabeth and the rest of the Sins in the Boar Hat to their journey to stocking up across Britannia. King ask Ban for taking good care of Elaine, being offended when Ban pretends not to recognize him.

Ban fishing

Ban fishing

As they make up a picnic, the woman waits while the men goes for food in the forest. Ban uses his power to catch many fish from a nearby lake. He then accompanies his companions to urinate together, recriminating King who does not speak while they do. When Meliodas says they must return, King asks him if indeed they will all go forward as the Seven Deadly Sins. Ban tells Meliodas that they are not as fragile as he believes, prompting him to reveal the truth that he will soon disappear from this world, something that everyone was already beginning to suspect.

While their trip is resumed, Elizabeth worries that everyone is quiet and depressed. Meliodas insinuates her saying that they are just tired because they have not gone out to restock in a long time. Elizabeth sets him aside claiming that the conversations they had took away the urge to speak.

Ban encourages Meliodas to tell everyone the truth

Ban encourages Meliodas to tell everyone the truth

Gowther and Merlin realize that they are not heading to Liones, to which Meliodas reveals that he intends to make a stop earlier. In what remains of Edinburgh] castle, Meliodas asks everyone to wait while he goes, but Elizabeth decides to accompany him. The two fly inside the huge crater created 12 years ago, where they find a large sphere of darkness, revealing itself to be where the vampire Gelda was sealed by Meliodas.

Upon returning to Liones, Ban goes with his friends to a meeting organized by King Baltra. There, he asks Meliodas to marry Elizabeth and become the king. Baltra ensures that Elizabeth will have no objection, but Elizabeth rejects the idea. Everyone is stunned when Elizabeth reveals that she plans to go to the Demon Realm with Meliodas.

The Sins having a final moment with Meliodas

The Sins having a final moment with Meliodas

The Sins meet in the Boar Hat discussing what happened. Meliodas agrees with Merlin that Elizabeth was always that determined, even when she presented him with the demon-hating Stigma 3,000 years ago. Gowther asks him if he has no regrets in that world. Meliodas says he would have liked to see his son having a scruffle with Ban's, but he also has a mountain of regrets. Since even though the war was stopped for the time being, the hatred between the Demon Clan and the other races has not completely disappeared, not to mention those lost during the war, including Arthur whom Meliodas claims to have been a magnificent king. Meliodas laments for only having worried the last millennia to break the curses and have left his only little brother die twice, stating that he deserves to be in hell for all this.

The Sins deny that by claiming that he is a good person, Ban and Merlin remind that he saved many people, including themselves. Meliodas thanks them affirming that he is who he is today thanks to the fact that the six of them were always there for him. There, Meliodas declares the Seven Deadly Sins officially disbanded.

The next day, Elizabeth and Meliodas has an emotional farewell at the entrance to the Demon Realm. However, before being able to cross the entrance, a gigantic rock is detached from a nearby boulder and falls over Elizabeth, seemingly crushing her to death. Everyone, especially Meliodas, can not help but look with horror that the curse was not broken after all.

Ban and the Sins decides to fight the Indura

Ban and the Sins decides to fight the Indura

However, Elizabeth is saved in the last minute by Merlin who teleport she to safety just in time. Merlin then uses Curse Discovery to reveal that Elizabeth's curse was restored. Meliodas tries to destroy it once more, but as soon as he does, the curse regenerates again. Meliodas and Ban concludes that this is because as the curse was put by the Demon King, it continues to exist because the Demon King is still alive. Merlin and Gowther wonders how it can be given that the Commandments have no vessel, King and Diane wonders who could be able to wistand the Commandments when no even Mael was able to sustain four of them. Elizabeth and Meliodas conclude that Zeldris, the only one besides Meliodas capable of resisting the Commandments, has become the vessel of the Demon King.

Elizabeth and the Sins return to Boar Hat to discuss the situation of the Demon King still alive. Ban states that the Demon King is the one who restore Elizabeth's curse as a payback to Meliodas. When Merlin asks who can be the new vessel of the Demon King, Meliodas claims not to know. There, everyone feels that the entrance to the Demon Realm is being opened again to which Merlin recognizes is to invoke an fearsome Indura. King ask Hawk and Escanor report the situation to the king and the Great Holy Knight and Ban states that he and the other Sins will face the Indura while Meliodas protect Elizabeth since he is the only with the power to do it. Ban assures to take down the Demon King at same time.

Ban eliminating all Indura babies with his Sacred Treasure

Ban eliminating all Indura babies with his Sacred Treasure

In the center of Britannia, the Sins faces the giant Indura that was summoned. When the Indura accumulates a bulbing in his tail, King notices several magical auras building up there, but Gowther points that those are life forces. The Idura then release a big object from his tail that explotes and scatter in multitude of small objects. King wonders if that are some kind of spores, but realizes that they are too big for that. Merlin then discover than they are in fact the Indura offspring. Knowing that the babies will expand throughout Britannia, King determines that they must stop them.

Ban attacking the Indura

Ban attacking the Indura

Ban intercepts when Indura attacks King in the back while he destroys the babies. Ban then uses Fox Hunt to gather the babies, but they are too many for his power to reach them all. Merlin then teleports to Courechouse and returns it to Ban, telling him that with his new capabilities he will be able to extract much more power than before when using it. Ban is surprised that Merlin had it and finally claims his Sacred Treasure returned.

Merlin and King continue to eliminate all the babies they can, but they disperse too quickly and far enough for them to reach everyone. King comes to the conclusion that his only option is to use Sunflower to incinerate all the area, but Diane warns him that it would also kill all the humans and animals around. King insists that it is the only way out, but Ban jumps in saying he'll take care of it.

Using his recently recovered Courechouse, Ban manages to eliminate thousands of Indura babies with an incredibly extended and powerful Assault Hunt empowered by the Sacred Treasure's special power Super Concentration. Ban notes that one of the babies was able to escape to Liones and King affirms that they must take charge since it will be a great threat even when alone.

The Indura then launches the attack, but the Sins manage to finish it with the combination of their attacks. Ban gives the final blow using Assault Hunt.

Ban, King and Meliodas intercepting the Demon King's attacks

Ban, King and Meliodas intercepting the Demon King's attacks

In the Lake Salisbury, in middle of his fight with Meliodas, the Demon King notices that something is approaching at high speed. This result to be the heads of the Indura that Ban, King, Diane, Gowther and Merlin have launched towards him. Meliodas wonder why are they there, to wich Elizabeth say that they come for him. With the arrival of the five, Ban reminds Meliodas the seventh rule of the Seven Deadly Sins: come together and work as a team every now and then.

Ban is surprised when he is able to stand in the middle of the lake, while asking Meliodas about his serious face when he came to save him. Meliodas angrily says that it is not their fight and order them to return, but all the Sins express their desire of help. Ban asks if he fought all his way from the Purgatory just to die with Elizabeth, to which Ban immediately denies saying he did it so he could live on next to her.

Ban saves his friends from the Demon King's attack

Ban saves his friends from the Demon King's attack

When the Demon King stands and uses the Indura's heads in his own attack, Merlin quickly teleports the heads behind the Demon King, resulting in this one being hitted by the attack. However, the Demon King receives no damage thanks to The Ruler, which impress Merlin.

Hearing Ban about the inversion nature of the Demon King's power, Elizabeth uses Invigorate hoping to that its healing turns into damage. Ban warns her that the Demon King can just switch off his power, but Merlin launch a magic blast hidden behind Elizabeth's technique, catching the Demon King in a fiery explosion.

Ban apparts the Demon King from Escanor

Ban apparts the Demon King from Escanor

As the Demon King is taking back, Merlin tell Gowther to take Meliodas inside the Demon King's soul and detach him from Zeldris while they distract him. Not wanting to allow it, the Demon King launch several dark slashes that Meliodas, Ban and King are forced to intercept. The Demon King then attacks the others. Merlin teleports to avoid him while Ban takes Diane, Gowther and Elizabeth.

King uses True Pollen Garden to protect everyone, but is unable to hold on the Demon king's attacks enough for Gowther use his power, forcing Ban, King and Meliodas to keep fighting. Merlin states that fighting the Demon King and protect Gowther and Meliodas' bodies at same time is too difficult for them to do it.

King, Ban and Escanor recieving the Demon King's attack

King, Ban and Escanor receiving the Demon King's attack

Suddenly, Escanor, having ragined his magic power, stops a lunge of the Demon King with his arm. As this one recites a poem about how he has decided to offer his life for his companions, Meliodas exclaims that he stops because what will happen if he stays that way.

As he starts to fight the Demon King, Escanor overcomes him with Divine Sword Escanor, saying that killing a god is the only way the fire inside him will go out. Diane questions that claim, but Escanor only tells Meliodas to save his brother while he manages the situation, since he will not be able to continue in that world if he accidentally kills the Demon King. Escanor then begins to cough and languish, just when a Demon King furious at his words attacks him. However, Ban interfere sending him to fly with a kick and then King rains his True Increase. Having finally the opportunity, Gowther shoots an arrow from Herrit that manages to hit the Demon King, successfully entering his soul along Meliodas.

Ban, King and Escanor healed by Elizabeth

Ban, King, and Escanor healed by Elizabeth

Ban continues to fight with the Demon King alongside Escanor and King, managing to take the upper hand. In that, Gelda suddenly appears and bites the Demon King in the back. This, upon recognizing her, decapitates her and throws her body into the water, which enrages Ban. However, everyone is startled to see that Gelda survived by being decapitated.

As their fight continues, the Demon King manages to engulf Ban, Escanor and King in a fiery explosion that leaves them badly injured. When Elizabeth heals the three, the Demon King attacks Ban while distracted with Elizabeth, but Escanor tackles him and then King hits him with Chastiefol while Ban with Courechouse. However, the Demon King manages to take no damage thanks to the unlimited magic provided by the lake.

When Elizabeth's curse was about to kill her with a lightning from the sky, Meliodas returns from the spirit world in time of Full Countering the lightning to the Demon King. Ban is glad for his return and everyone gets ready to show the Demon King the power of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Diane then unleashes her Mother Creation technique, causing an earthquake that destroys all the land near the lake and lifting an infinity of debris. Diane throws some of them at the Demon King, but he destroys them making fun of an insignificant giant girl dares to challenge him. However, Diane manages to wrap it with so much debris that the Demon King is lifted from the lake. Diane claims that she used to be a loner who hated fighting, but now she has transformed.

Ban and King attacking the Demon King

Ban and King attacking the Demon King

As Ban tells him that if he let his girl take the whole word, King then decides to ask Diane that once they defeat the Demon King, they get married. Diane blushes and screaming that of course she will, she throws all the rubble that manages to take the Demon King of Lake Salitsbury, thus cutting off his source of magic.

The Sins regroup as Meliodas declares that their mission to end the Demon King will begin.

When Escanor becomes The One, Diane tries to make Escanor accept that they help him, but Escanor warns her not to forgive disturbance and declares that "the moment finally come".

By witnessing the fight that breaks out, Diane cannot believe that the Demon King can go toe to toe with Escanor as The One. Gowther marks that the Demon King is taking damage from Escanor's blows, but Ban says that the problem is time.

The Sins attacking the Demon King together

The Seven Deadly Sins attacking the Demon King together

The Demon King proceeds to bury a blow to Escanor in the womb, but surprisingly, Escanor's power does not diminish despite having spent his time as The One. Diane and King wonder how it is possible to continue as The One, to which Meliodas reveals that Escanor is turning his own vital force into magical power, pretending to burn his own life.

Maintaining his fierce battle with the Demon King, Escanor manages to engulf him in his power before suffering a wound in the stomach. The Demon King then breaks free and attacks Escanor with his darkness, but Meliodas vanishes his attack with Counter Vanish. Ban and King then attack him with Vanishing Kill and Fight Fire with Fire, getting hurt and contain the Demon King.

The Demon King is released creating a great monster of darkness. Escanor jumps to face him claiming he did an oath that day and will keep it, that with the life he once wanted to leave, he goes to stake for him and his friends, the Seven Deadly Sins.

Ban takes Zeldris away from the Demon King

Ban takes Zeldris away from the Demon King

Meliodas also jumps in his Assault Mode saying that if he is going to put his life on the line for them, then the only thing right is for them to do the same for him. The Sins go back agreeing, telling Escanor that he has not been alone for a long time. Combining their techniques, the Sins manage to destroy the monster of darkness.

Escanor then tells everyone that it is too late to back out, so he will give everyone an order: Give him the honor of fighting at his side. Meliodas cries saying they are a team until the bitter end.

The Sins together are able to take the Demon King until his lmit. There, with the Demon King practically defeated both in the spirit world and in the real world, the Commandments begin to leave Zeldris' body until they completely detaches from him, allowing Zeldris to recover his physical body. However, the Demon King's conscience refuses to let his vessel go and tries to retrieve it. However, Ban snatch Zeldris away before the Commandments can possess him again. Meliodas thanks him for that, to which Ban tells him he owes ten rounds of Aberdeen Ale.

Ban making fun of the Demon King

Ban making fun of the Demon King

Enraged, the Demon King rises and saying that they observe him, the Commandments separate and disperse in the surrounding area beginning to take over every living being, rock and hill. Thus, the Demon King stands with a new, gigantic and monstrous vessel created from the same land of Britannia.

The Demon King says he can see the faces of people in Britannia crumpled in fear all thanks to the sinful foolies they have commited. He then shouts to be resigned to their deaths because there is no greater crime than opposing the Demon King. However, the Seven Deadly Sins makes a completely confident face. The Demon King demands to know why they have that expression on their faces, to which each Sin and also Zeldris remarks that they are not afraid of him and that he has no chance of winning.

The Sins launching to the Demon King

The Sins fighting the Demon King

As the Sins launch to the attack, the Demon King uses Death Zero to immobilize them with gravity pressure. He tells them to be slowly crushed out from existence as insects that have no chance against a mountain. Escanor and Ban tries to fight back, but his attacks are ineffective as the Demon King affirms that gods cannot fell pain or fear. Ban says than that makes him look pretty dead to him.

The Demon King continues to make pressure in his technique, claming that he will end the Holy War having taking the life forms whitin that land as vessel. However, Merlin uses Limit Breaker, rising hers and her companions' magic power to the absolute top, breaking the Death Zero in the process but she warns her friends that all mut have to rest for a week after that.

Ban launch his Crazy Rush along the other Sins' strongest techniques that Melin combines in a single powerful attack using Power Conversion: Unify. The Demon King believes that his power The Ruler will protect him, but Merlin reveals that the Killer Switch that Gowther have used was not an attack, but a spell that negates his power. The Demon King tries to destroy the combined attack with Death Zero, but the attack proves to be too powerful as Gowther remarks that he is not able to overcome the resolve within their hearts.

The Sins preparing their ultimate techniques

The Sins preparing their ultimate techniques

Meliodas creates various clones that repeteadly uses Full Counter in the combined attack sending it back at the Demon King, multiplying its power each time. The Demon King cries that if the attack hits him again Britannia will be damaged. However, with Merlin's approval, Meliodas sends the attack to the Demon King, killing him once and for all.

In the resultant destruction, King uses True Pollen Garden to protect the rest of the Sins. Then, he and the Sins fall out of exhaustion as a result of Merlin's Power Limit Breaker. As Mael and Elizabeth heal them, King ask Ban how do someone get married to which Ban call him a fool. King states that he is basically his brother-in-law, something that Ban think suck.

Diane then calls for Meliodas to show that the Commandments are still there. Merlin explains that despite that they defeat the Demon King, his power could revive after decades or centuries. Diane says that centuries fly by in no time, to which King agree but Ban not. Meliodas then unleash his true magical power to destroy the Commandments, causing a resonating between the two Demon Kings that affect the area.

While everyone watches Zeldris and Gelda flying away, Escanor says it is time to do the same because everyone is waiting for them. Sad, they say they must all return together, showing that everyone has already seen that Escanor is about to die since his body is burned to the point that it disintegrates and can no longer move.

Escanor says he has no regrets in his life and thanks everyone for allowing themselves to meet him and meet. He gives each person a few last words. He recommends Ban to loosen up with the drink.

King of Chaos arc[]

The Sins and Elizabeth in the banquet

The Sins and Elizabeth in the banquet

Upon returning to Liones, the Sins join the celebration banquet in the castle. Ban drinks along his friends and Elaine.

Diane happily states that despite the sadness about Escanor, all the Sins have achieved their goals, with Ban archieved Elaine's resurrection. Drunken, Ban makes fun of how King was proposed in the middle of the battle, to which King replies that he was the one who shined him to do it. Diane ends up realizing that she never knew what Merlin's goal was since she never talked to them about it. Ban stress that she could not have been working 3,000 years for nothing.

Merlin then declares that as comrades of fate, everyone deserves to know and see it. Merlin then teleports the Sins and Elizabeth to Lake Salisbury where they find Hawk Mama in front of the orb of water that used to be the lake. Merlin then says it is time to start, when Meliodas asks her what, Merlin surprises everyone by declaring that she refers to Arthur's awakening.

Ban and Meliodas inside the deformed reality

Ban and Meliodas inside Arthur's chaotic magic

Upon putting herself over the lake, Merlin removes Arthur's body still pierced by Excalibur from the Boar Hat. She says that all the preparations are ready and asks the "princess" if she is ready, to which a voice from the lake asks if it is finally time to meet their master. As the lake water begins to shine and its light reaches Excalibur, Merlin tells Arthur that she was wrong since the sword was not the one that would kill him but the key to advancing to his new stage. Merlin uses the "key" to unlock the door.

After an explosion of light, Arthur wakes up having revived. However, he begins to act strangely as if his body aches. Merlin says that humans are the most polarizing of all races because they possess qualities of good and light at the same time as of evil and darkness, their very existence is the essence of contradiction, and this contradiction is a form of chaos. She declares the human chosen by the priestess of Chaos will become the ruler of Chaos.

Meliodas asks Merlin to tell him what she did to Arthur, to which she replies that as she already told him, her goal was to awake Arthur, but as the "King of Chaos".

Merlin tells Arthur not to reject the immeasurable magic that was granted to him, but to embrace it. Arthur tells her that he doesn't understand, that his body hurts and asks for help. As his eyes turn black, Arthur starts screaming desperately in pain, to which Meliodas flies to help him. However, seeing him Arthur remembers that the last time he saw him he had betrayed his companions and allied with the Demon Clan.

Meliodas and Ban fighting a strange creature

Ban and Melidoas fights an strange creature

A strange magic leaves Arthur wrapping it all up, and the surroundings suddenly transform into a bizarre and meaningless scenario. While the Sins are separated in that deformed reality, Ban catches Meliodas from the strange creatures that attacked him and helps him against them.

Arthur then manages to calm down and reality returns to normal. Meliodas then asks Merlin what she did to Arthur and what he means by "chaos". Merlin explains that chaos is a pure and at the same time impure power of darkness feared even by demons and light worshiped even by goddesses; an immense power that is believed that a single intention brought about the world and all races from nothingness, including the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. Merlin declares that Arthur commands chaos and that he is the king who will lead Britannia into a new world.

Ban discover that Merlin let the Demon King to possess Meliodas

Ban discover that Merlin let the Demon King to possess Melidoas

Meliodas asks why she awaken a power that is both a blessing and a curse, and demands to know what her desire is. The voice from the lake asks to be allowed to explain instead of Merlin, about the desire made by a single lonely witch who wandered the land in search of chaos.

Ban is distrustful of this being who reveals himself as the Lady of the Lake and the Priest of Chaos. She narrates Merlin's past and reveals that Merlin deliberately delaying the spell of the Chrono Coffin for the Demon King to revive, she was the one who reactivated Elizabeth's curse after Melidoas destroyed it and finally made Meliodas launch their combined attack on the lake in order to reunite the required magic to awaken Arthur; All in order to achieve her goal. Merlin explains that to revive Chaos it was not enough to seal the Demon King and the Supreme Deity, one of the two had to be completely destroyed to disrupt the balance. Ban then inquires that she knew that the Demon King would possess Meliodas and still allowed it.

When Meliodas reproaches Merlin for using the Seven Deadly Sins to revive a being that may never exist, the Lady of the Lake states that Chaos exists and that they have already been face to face with it for a long time. When Ban and the rest no seems to understand, the Lady of the Lake reveals that they have been traveling on it and that all that time has been waiting for her resurrection; leaving everyone shocked to see that she refers to Hawk Mama. There, Hawk Mama is revealed to be a moss shell whose content, Chaos, is now inside Arthur. Arthur then have another episode altering reality without noticing it.

The Sins trying to break through Cath's dimension

Ban and the Sins trying to break through Cath's dimension

When Cath shows itself happy to see Arthur, Ban asks who he is, to which Gowther explains that they met him in the training cave in Istar. Cath then devours one of Arthur's arms and when it transforms into a monstrous form, the Lady of the Lake tells them that they must retrieve their arm or they will soon know how powerful even a fragment of Chaos is.

While Elizabeth heals Arthur, the Lady of the Lake reveals the true identity of the monster Cath Palug, who was after the power of Chaos witin Arthur. Meliodas warns Ban to be careful since they do not know the true power of Cath Palug. The monster then asks an affected Arthur if he can eat him now, creating a pocket dimension with the fragment of Chaos he had devoured, sucking Arthur, Elizabeth and the Sins in it. When Merlin tries to use her Exterminate Ray, Ban cannot tell if it works or not.

The Sins and Elizabeth thinking about Merlin

The Sins and Elizabeth thinking about Merlin

After Arthur destroys the dimension and Cath Palug with a new Excalibur, he faints from tiredness in Merlin's arms. Elizabeth tells Merlin that they should take him to the kingdom, but Merlin just thanks her for healing him and before Elizabeth can reply, she teleports them all away claiming she cannot keep up with them.

Upon returning to Liones, Ban meets Elaine while noticing that Merlin and Arthur stayed behind. When Meliodas says that Merlin must be smiling while they talk, Ban says that is a bit much and that is not the way he is.

Ban makes King angry

Ban makes King angry

Then, while everyone laments, Diane asks if the Seven Deadly Sins are truly finished this time. Ban says that everything that begins must end, even since Escanor is no longer with them. Meliodas says they cannot leave Arthur and Merlin alone, and that Arthur could become a threat if he gives in to his darkness and loses control of Chaos.

As Gowther expresses his opinion about Merlin's deep desire as well as theirs, and the Sins discuss whether being of different races can understood each other, Ban agrees with Gowther that Merlin has saved them many times and mocks that he and King cannot see each other in the eyes because humans and other races cannot understand each other, to which King says he doesn't count as human. Meliodas says that regardless of anything, they cannot leave Chaos unseen and they must do Merlin takes responsibility for what she did. When Gowther asks him what he plans to do to Merlin, everyone feels great magic in the direction that Arthur and Merlin are.

The Sins arrive to help Merlin and Arthur

The Sins arrive to help Merlin and Arthur

When Cath, who was fighting Merlin, releases a large bunch of beams from his mouth over her, they are all reflected by Meliodas' Full Counter. Surprised, Merlin is healed by Elizabeth, asking both of them why they are there. Elizabeth tells her that it is not just them, revealing that all the other Sins also went.

Merlin rushes to help Arthur confirming that he is only unconscious. Meliodas then tells Merlin that they will make her take responsibility for resuscitating Chaos, so she must devote the rest of her life to protecting and guiding Arthur. Merlin says he did not have to go there to tell her that, since that was already her plan. Meliodas adds that they also have responsibility for forgiving her foolishness, so he asks her to allow them to protect her. Merlin thanks you by saying that she is indebted to everyone.

As Cath Palug regenerates, King asks if it is Ban's same type of immortality, to which Merlin says he is rather a being that transcends life and death. Cath Palug then manages to trap everyone except Arthur and Meliodas inside visions. Ban and the rest wake up when Arthur begins to absorb Cath Palug. After returning to reality, Ban says that Arthur regained all the power that Cath stole from him.

Epilogue arc[]

Ban decides the name of his son

After defeating Cath Palug, the Sins reunite in the streets of Liones as they decide to part in their own ways. When King and Diane say they are having their wedding soon, Ban mentions that they cannot know when a fairy and a giant believe it is "soon". When King asks about his plans with Elaine, Ban says they will make it easy on a ale-tasting trip all over Britannia.

After always vowing to be friends and comrades, Ban and Elaine leave just like the other Sins.

18 months later, Elaine becomes pregnant, so she and Ban return to the Fairy King's Forest to await the birth. Sensing the baby pounding, Elaine says she cannot tell if it is arms or legs. She says how strange it is that her child grows inside her when fairies are born from flowers and trees. When talking about what they will call him, Ban says he has the ideal name: Lancelot.

Side Story 6[]

Ban and Elaine at some point moves to the kingdom of Benwick along their son Lancelot, becoming the king and queen.

One day, Lancelot reproaches Ban for his lack of disposition as king and allowing the humans to fool the fairies. Despite accepting his father's apology, Lancelot leaves in shame after hearing when he is grateful for his help. Ban asks Elaine if she doesn't think her son has gotten more difficult lately, to which Elaine says he is at that age.

Later, when Ban arrives with his family, Elaine is concerned when Lancelot imitates him by drinking Aberdeen Ale, although this does not affect him at all. There, a fairy comes talking about what happened outside the kingdom. Ban goes along with Jericho to check about the merchant that mysteriously vanished in the rain. Hearing Ban and Jericho talk about the rumors of humans disappearing all over Britannia, Lancelot asks him to let him help, but Ban orders him to return home.

Late at night, Ban asks Elaine if Lancelot has not changed wanting to act like an adult in front of him. Elaine tells him that if he changed it is because of him, since when he recently went to Liones, he discovered how everyone respected his father and that made him feel proud of him and wanted his recognition. Ban then goes to tuck Lancelot in, telling him not to rush into adulthood and to stay with them a little longer.

The next day, after waking up from a dream about the day he separated from Zhivago, Ban discovers that Lancelot is not there and is late to go looking for him, recriminating not having noticed earlier.

Grudge of Edinburgh[]

Ban goes to Liones with the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins upon hearing that Elizabeth had been cursed. Ban then accompanies Meliodas and Gowther to Edinburgh where Tristan had gone to confront the person responsible. The three easily eliminate Deathpierce's army of Empties and then discover that his missing son was with Tristan fighting the evil king.

When Tristan returns and Lancelot leaves without saying anything, Ban silently asks Jericho to continue watching over him.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse[]

Camelot Infiltration arc[]

Ban appears in Bernia Village which was being invaded by several Chaos Knights. Seeing Althabainne's power, Ban deduces that to overcome it he simply must not make a sound, something the knight believes is impossible, but which Ban achieves by removing his heart with his Snatch and killing him.

When Ironside attacks him wondering why one of the Seven Deadly Sins is there having already finished the duty of killing the Demon King 18 years ago, Ban does not even flinch from his attack and responds with a furious blow from his Sacred Treasure saying that with the decadence of Britannia, Ale no longer satisfied him.

Although Ban gives him another fierce blow, Ironside manages to stay in the air with his magic and asks Ban what he is doing so far from his kingdom. Ban explains that coincidentally he was in Bernia to drink the best Ale produced there, but that thanks to that he has the opportunity to face the Chaos Knights who stayed in the shadows avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins.

Ironside decides to face him alone. Although Ironside uses his most powerful techniques by invoking his Djinn, they have no effect on Ban, who defeats him with a single kick, releasing in it all the fury for the suffering that Lancelot spent the last two years. Pellegarde catches an injured Ironside and orders them to retreat, even against Ironside's will.

Seeing them escape, Ban drinks a bottle of Ale thinking he should meet up with the gang to drink for a change.


  1. Chapter 1 , Page 7
  2. Chapter 6 , Page 18
  3. Chapter 7 , Page 18-19
  4. Chapter 9 , Page 5-10
  5. Chapter 12 , Page 17
  6. Chapter 12 , Page 17-20
  7. Chapter 13 , Page 2-5
  8. Chapter 13 , Page 5-7
  9. Chapter 14 , Page 15-19
  10. Chapter 15 , Page 9-20
  11. Chapter 16 , Page 4
  12. Chapter 16 , Page 8-11
  13. Chapter 16 , Page 17-19
  14. Chapter 17 , Page 2
  15. Chapter 17 , Page 4-5
  16. Chapter 17 , Page 8-17
  17. Chapter 18 , Page 3
  18. Chapter 18 , Page 5-7
  19. Chapter 18 , Page 13-17
  20. Chapter 19 , Page 2-15
  21. Chapter 19 , Page 17-19
  22. Chapter 20 , Page 2-5
  23. Chapter 20 , Page 10-17
  24. Chapter 21 , Page 7-9
  25. Chapter 21 , Page 11-17
  26. Chapter 22 , Page 23
  27. Chapter 23 , Page 4-14
  28. Chapter 23 , Page 20
  29. Chapter 24 , Page 2-7
  30. Chapter 24 , Page 18-20
  31. Chapter 25 , Page 2-9
  32. Chapter 26 , Page 2-7
  33. Chapter 26 , Page 8-16
  34. Chapter 27 , Page 2
  35. Chapter 26 , Page 19-20
  36. Chapter 27 , Page 3-4
  37. Chapter 27 , Page 8
  38. Chapter 27 , Page 10
  39. Chapter 30 , Page 10-20
  40. Chapter 31 , Page 6-7
  41. Chapter 31 , Page 10
  42. Chapter 31 , Page 14-16
  43. Chapter 32 , Page 12-18
  44. Chapter 33 , Page 14-15
  45. Chapter 33 , Page 27-29
  46. Chapter 34 , Page 5-20
  47. Chapter 35 , Page 2-9
  48. Chapter 35 , Page 10-17
  49. Chapter 25 , Page 17-20
  50. Chapter 36 , Page 2-3
  51. Chapter 36 , Page 4-7
  52. Chapter 36 , Page 8-17
  53. Chapter 37 , Page 2-4
  54. Chapter 38 , Page 8
  55. Chapter 39 , Page 339-3
  56. Chapter 39 , Page 17-20
  57. Chapter 40 , Page 2-20
  58. Chapter 41 , Page 2-5
  59. Chapter 4 , Page 10-16
  60. Chapter 42 , Page 11-15
  61. Chapter 44 , Page 7
  62. Chapter 45 , Page 17-18
  63. Chapter 46 , Page 12-13
  64. Chapter 46 , Page 14-17
  65. Chapter 139
  66. Chapter 138 , Page 22
  67. Chapter 139 , Page 6-15
  68. Chapter 139 , Page 15-21
  69. Chapter 140
  70. Chapter 141
  71. Chapter 142 , Page 13 - 20
  72. Chapter 143
  73. Chapter 144
  74. Chapter 145
  75. Chapter 146
  76. Chapter 147
  77. Chapter 150
  78. Chapter 159
  79. Chapter 160
  80. Chapter 162
  81. Chapter 163
  82. Chapter 164
  83. Chapter 170
  84. Chapter 171
  85. Chapter 172
  86. Chapter 173
  87. Chapter 174
  88. Chapter 176
  89. Chapter 177